DM WATCH LIMITED embarked on its journey in 2013 as a research, consultancy, and training entity under the name of Disaster Management Watch.
From our very inception, research continues to play a central role in how we think, work, grow and evolve as a leader in the field of research, consultancy, and training by garnering a winning team of top-notch research and development (R&D) professionals with multidisciplinary strongholds.
Ardently innovating change-making research ideas as well as building itself as a development knowledge hub, DM WATCH LIMITED envisages contributing to the national, regional, and global development holistically.
DM WATCH LIMITED has spent more than 10 years at the forefront in serving a diverse groups of national and international partners from both the public and private sectors.
DM WATCH LIMITED is working to contribute in the creation of a sustainable and desirable future through quality research and consultancy in partnership with government agencies, donor agencies, INGOs, local NGOs, and various academic and research institutions. Less
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