Project Title: Context Analysis of Goalanda Paurashava, Rajbari, Dhaka
Client: Palli Bandhu Shangstha (RFS)
This study was conducted from January to June 2016 at Goalanda Paurashava, Rajbari. The broad objective of the study was to ensure that the project is informed by all of the contextual factors that might affect its implementation and sustainability. A wide range of data collection tools, such as Reconnaissance Survey, PRA, Socio-Economic Survey, Land Use Survey, extensive desk review, boundary demarcation etc. has been used in order to do a rich context analysis. This study extensively analyzed demography, socio-economic condition, occupational status, and land use condition of the Paurashava. Such type of analysis was helpful to understand the prospect and potential of the area for further development opportunity. Later, Rural Fiends Society (RFS) used the findings of this study to identify target areas, design the entire project cycle, select beneficiaries and target population, etc. while extending its intervention in Goalanda.
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