Project Information

Project Title: Baseline Study of Activating Village Courts in Bangladesh Phase II (Chattogram Hill Tracts Part)

Client: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Project Description:

The objectives of the study were to i) Collect baseline information on  knowledge, attitude and perception of service recipients and service providers (traditional leaders Karbari, Headman and other leaders and UP representatives) about traditional justice delivery system and its function, ii) Assess performance of existing traditional justice system (Karbari courts, Headman courts, Circle courts, etc.), iii) Finding justice seeking behavior of community people, iv) Review  of existing status of access to the justice system and justice needs, v) Women empowerment, vi) Beneficiary’s perception level on Trust and communal harmony and vii) Beneficiary’s perception on Sense of security. To achieve the objectives, the study adopted a comprehensive methodology in each of the activities, e.g., desk-based review, quantitative surveys, interviews with different stakeholders and focus group discussions. A mixed-method design, where both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from the target population. The quantitative method for the study included surveys on household, traditional leaders and UP representatives, following structured questionnaire. It has shown the present scenario from both demand (household) and supply (institute) sides. Total 2650 KAP and perception surveys has been done with household head/ adult member of the family, Karbari, headman, member of traditional courts/ village courts and UP chairman. Moreover, 7 KII’s and 31 FGD’s has also been done for understanding the perception of community people on both traditional courts and village courts and access of women in those two justice systems in the CHT region. Numerous gaps have been identified in both the demand and supply side and finally, a comprehensive and age-sensitive recommendation has been provided to satisfy project goal.

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