Project Information

Project Title: Assessment of Disaster and Displacement Data Collection and Information Management Capacity of Ministry of Disaster Management & Relief

Client: International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Project Description:

The study was conducted to assess the existing data collection and information management system of the Government of Bangladesh regarding disaster induced displacement. In order to assess the current data collection system and to develop an in-depth understanding of the overall information management system regarding disaster-induced displacement, and to know the roles of different Government, non-government stakeholders at national level and at local level, this assessment used qualitative approaches e.g., secondary documents review, consultation workshops, Key Informant Interviews and FGD’s with relevant stakeholders. A total of 4 workshops (two stocktaking and two validation workshops), 49 key informant interviews from national (Dhaka) and local levels (at Cox’s Bazar) were performed. Analyzing the primary data, this assessment found that GoB is currently collecting only loss and damage information via SOS (Save our Souls) and D-form (Detailed Information). However, no defined displacement-related information is collected by the existing system. This study proposed that the Standing Order on Disaster (SOD) should clearly outline the roles and responsibilities of each concerned department in terms of displacement data collection and information management. A digital data collection system could uplift the data accuracy and granularity to a certain level so that information flows in a timely manner. Finally, the study recommended with clear picture, how the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief could coordinate with other government ministries, departments, UN organizations, INGOs, Local NGOs for displacement management so that the overall process can make the displacement tracking system praiseworthy in Bangladesh.

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