Assignment Name: Baseline Study of the IKEA Good Cause Campaign (Children on the Move) Project

Country: Bangladesh

Client Name: Save The Children

The “Baseline Study of IKEA Good Cause Campaign (Children on the Move) Project” was a comprehensive assessment designed to establish baseline indicators for a multi-sectoral intervention aimed at preventing unsafe migration and promoting the rights of children on the move in Bangladesh. The project, implemented by Save the Children in collaboration with national partners and funded by the IKEA Foundation, targeted high-risk source areas in Satkhira and Rajshahi districts and destination points in Dhaka city. The project addressed the socio-economic vulnerabilities of migrating children, emphasizing protection, education, and access to safe recreational spaces.

The baseline study, conducted by DM WATCH, aimed to understand the drivers of child migration, their level of awareness regarding risks, and the effectiveness of existing services and community-based child protection mechanisms. Findings from the study were used to guide the project’s design, ensuring evidence-based interventions that align with its overarching goal to prevent unsafe migration and uphold children’s rights to safety, education, and play.

The study’s specific objectives were:

  • To generate baseline values for key project indicators to facilitate impact measurement.
  • To assess children’s and caregivers’ awareness of the risks associated with unsafe migration and the availability of protection mechanisms.
  • To map existing services for children and their access to education, protection, and recreation in source and destination areas.
  • To evaluate the functionality of community-based child protection mechanisms and identify gaps for improvement.

The study employed a mixed-methods approach, integrating household surveys, FGDs, KIIs, and PRA tools to ensure comprehensive data collection and analysis.

The following services were provided by the study team:

Project Inception and Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Conducted initial meetings with Save the Children and local partners to define study objectives, finalize the methodology, and align expectations.
  • Reviewed project documents, including the results framework and indicator definitions, to ensure alignment with the study’s objectives.

Survey Design and Tool Development:

  • Designed quantitative and qualitative tools to capture baseline data on child migration risks, service access, and protection mechanisms.
  • Developed structured questionnaires for households, caregivers, and children, along with guidelines for FGDs, KIIs, and PRAs.
  • Pre-tested data collection tools to ensure clarity, reliability, and cultural appropriateness.

Capacity Building:

  • Trained enumerators and field supervisors on survey protocols, ethical considerations, and data collection techniques, including the use of Digital Data Gathering (DDG) tools.
  • Conducted mock interviews and pilot testing to enhance enumerators’ proficiency.

Primary Data Collection:

  • Conducted 425 household surveys across the source and destination areas, capturing demographic, socio-economic, and migration-related data.
  • Facilitated 6 FGDs with children, caregivers, and community stakeholders to explore their perceptions of migration risks and existing support systems.
  • Conducted 33 KIIs with local government officials, teachers, health workers, law enforcement, and NGO representatives to triangulate findings.
  • Performed 12 PRA sessions to map available services and identify gaps in service delivery and accessibility.

Sector-Specific Assessments:

  • Evaluated children’s access to education, protection services, and recreational facilities, identifying barriers to participation.
  • Assessed the awareness levels of children and caregivers regarding migration risks, precautionary measures, and protection mechanisms.
  • Mapped community-based child protection structures to understand their functionality and coverage.

Data Analysis and Synthesis:

  • Analyzed quantitative data using statistical software to calculate baseline indicators and trends across source and destination areas.
  • Conducted thematic analysis of qualitative data to derive insights into systemic challenges and community dynamics.
  • Integrated findings into a cohesive narrative, highlighting key vulnerabilities and opportunities for intervention.

Reporting and Recommendations:

  • Prepared a comprehensive baseline report, detailing i) demographic profiles and migration patterns, ii) awareness levels of risks and protection mechanisms, iii) service availability and accessibility gaps, and iv) recommendations for enhancing project design and implementation.
  • Provided actionable insights for strengthening child protection mechanisms, improving service delivery, and fostering community resilience.

Validation and Dissemination:

  • Organized validation workshops with stakeholders to present findings and gather feedback.
  • Delivered a final report and policy briefs to guide programmatic decisions and advocacy efforts.

This baseline study provided critical insights into the risks and vulnerabilities faced by children on the move in Bangladesh. The findings enabled the IKEA Good Cause Campaign to design targeted interventions that address the root causes of unsafe migration while empowering children and their communities to advocate for their rights and access to essential services.

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