Project Information

Project Title: Baseline study of IKEA good cause campaign (children on the move) project

Client: Save the Children

Project Description:

The overall objective of the baseline study was to generate baseline value as benchmarks for the monitoring and evaluation of ‘IKEA Good Cause Campaign (Children on the Move) project. This study also aimed to provide an understanding of the present situation of child migration, and the current status of child rights related to protection, education, and playing rights at both source and destination areas of child migration. Various indicators were set to evaluate the existing knowledge base and practices related to child migration. The study was conducted from February to May 2017 in Rajshahi, Satkhira (source areas) and Dhaka (destination area). The study used a mixed (both qualitative and quantitative) research methodology where a wide range of data collection tools (Structured questionnaires, key Informant Interviews, Focus Group Discussions  and Participatory Rural Appraisal) have been applied for gathering primary data for this study. Respondents were selected from five different categories, namely children, parents, caregivers, and duty bearers. Findings of the study indicate that the existing situation of the availability and awareness related to protection mechanisms with respect to child migration are not satisfactory. Though there are various types of safety net programs available, access to those services are very poor for the people who are at risk of migration. Although the respondents were aware about the services, the overall accessibility to these services was found to be low. In the end, the study provided specific recommendations related to these issues based on the findings.

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