Assignment Name: Baseline Study on Financial Inclusion to Improve Sanitation & Health and Achieve Integrated & Sustainable WASH and Waste Management Services for Sakhipur Municipality

Country: Bangladesh

Client Name: Bangladesh Association for Social Advancement (BASA) Foundation

The “Financial Inclusion Improves Sanitation & Health” (FINISH Mondial) project in Bangladesh aims to enhance sanitation through an integrated approach addressing both demand and supply sides of the sanitation challenge. Launched in 2019, the project focused on improving sanitation, faecal sludge management (FSM), and solid waste management (SWM) in peri-urban areas of Faridpur, Satkhira, and Sakhipur municipalities. By collaborating with local stakeholders, the project sought to create an enabling environment and strengthen the sanitation market, ensuring sustainable solutions.

The baseline study was conducted under the FINISH Mondial program, implemented by BASA (Bangladesh Association for Social Advancement) with financial support from WASTE, Netherlands. The project aimed to address critical challenges in sanitation, hygiene, and waste management systems in Sakhipur Municipality by creating an enabling environment that integrates financial inclusion into sustainable Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) practices.

The study provided a comprehensive assessment of the existing status of faecal sludge management (FSM), solid waste management (SWM), and sanitation practices, with an emphasis on gender and social inclusion (GESI). Specific objectives included evaluating sanitation coverage across households, schools, healthcare facilities, and public spaces; identifying service gaps in the sanitation value chain, waste segregation practices, and sludge disposal; and understanding the enabling financial environment to enhance sanitation and waste management markets.

The project applied the Diamond Model approach, connecting four key stakeholders: communities (demand creation), businesses (service providers), financial institutions (credit facilitators), and government (policy and regulatory enablers). Data from the study formed a baseline to guide targeted interventions for improving sanitation and hygiene behaviors, fostering private sector participation, and strengthening the capacity of local governments to deliver sustainable FSM and SWM services. The findings supported future program design by BASA and FINISH Mondial to ensure inclusive and equitable access to improved sanitation systems in Sakhipur.

The project team successfully delivered the following services during the baseline study:

Study Design and Planning:

  • Developed a robust study methodology incorporating a mixed-method approach (quantitative surveys, qualitative interviews, and physical inspections).
  • Designed tools, including structured questionnaires for household surveys, key informant interview (KII) checklists, and focus group discussion (FGD) guidelines.

Data Collection:

  • Conducted 384 household surveys across slum and non-slum areas of Sakhipur Municipality to assess sanitation, FSM, and SWM status.
  • Facilitated qualitative interviews with stakeholders such as municipal officials, local businesses, financial institutions, sanitation workers, and community representatives.
  • Organized focus group discussions (FGDs) to gather insights on gender roles, community perspectives, and sanitation market demand.
  • Performed physical inspections of sanitation facilities, including toilet conditions, waste collection systems, and faecal sludge disposal infrastructure.

Gender and Social Inclusion Analysis:

  • Analyzed the decision-making role of women and marginalized groups in household sanitation investments and WASH-related governance.
  • Provided recommendations for fostering gender-responsive and socially inclusive WASH programs.

Data Analysis and Reporting:

  • Ensured rigorous data quality through field-level supervision, data validation, and cleaning processes.
  • Applied descriptive and inferential statistical analyses to identify sanitation trends, gaps in waste management systems, and financial access barriers.
  • Presented results using visual tools like maps, charts, and graphs for effective stakeholder engagement.

Final Deliverables:

  • Prepared a comprehensive baseline report outlining the sanitation and waste management landscape, gaps, and opportunities.
  • Highlighted actionable recommendations for improving FSM and SWM services, promoting sanitation markets, and enhancing financial inclusion for WASH infrastructure.
  • Identified strategies to integrate FSM and SWM systems through circular economy solutions and private sector involvement.

Stakeholder Engagement and Validation:

  • Collaborated closely with Sakhipur Municipality officials, community representatives, and development partners to validate findings.
  • Ensured ownership and uptake of recommendations through consultations and dissemination sessions.

This baseline study established a critical foundation for enhancing sanitation and waste management services in Sakhipur Municipality, enabling future interventions to achieve sustainable and inclusive WASH outcomes under the FINISH Mondial program.

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