Assignment Name: Baseline Study of “Where the Rain Falls (WtRF), CBA Component – Improving Resilience in Northern Bangladesh” Project

Country: Bangladesh

Client Name: CARE Bangladesh

The “Where the Rain Falls (WtRF) CBA Component: Improving Resilience in Northern Bangladesh Project” was implemented by CARE Bangladesh in partnership with Eco Social Development Organization (ESDO). This two-year project, launched in January 2014, targeted five villages in Kurigram Sadar Upazila within Kurigram district. The project, funded by Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, aimed to enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities to the impacts of rainfall variability. It focused on promoting adaptive agricultural practices and efficient water resource management among 275 direct beneficiaries organized into 11 Farmer Field Schools (FFS), each consisting of 25 farmers. The initiative was crucial in a region where agricultural dependency on natural rainfall is high and where climate variability directly affects food production and income.

DM WATCH was engaged to conduct a baseline study to set benchmarks for effective project implementation and monitoring. This study aimed to provide critical baseline data for the effective implementation and monitoring of project interventions, designed to improve the adaptive capacity of vulnerable farming communities.

The overall objective of the study was to provide a comprehensive understanding of the project intervention areas in relation to climate change, behaviors, practices, and climate adaptability, and to assess the impacts of the project over its lifespan. This baseline study established a starting point for assessing the situation of project beneficiaries, enabling the project to track progress over time. It also served to set realistic targets for the indicators stated in the project log-frame and supported the development of an effective monitoring and evaluation system for the project.

The specific objectives were:

  • To assess the impact of climate change on smallholder farmers’ agricultural practices, including cropping systems such as crop varieties (both adaptive and traditional), technologies (e.g., alternate dry and wet methods, manure use, water management), and cropping patterns across low, medium, and high lands.
  • To identify the current Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) of smallholder farmers regarding climate change, climatic risks, adaptive options, and community participation in agricultural practices.
  • To evaluate the capacity of local institutions (e.g., Union Parishads, Department of Agriculture Extension, Research Institutes, and the Meteorological Department) in community-based adaptation, focusing on financing, planning, skills, and providing recommendations for capacity development.
  • To assess gender impacts, particularly in terms of the three aspects above, as well as family-level decision-making processes and women’s mobility.

DM WATCH conducted the baseline study with a systematic approach to deliver comprehensive, high-quality results. The key services provided included:

Study Design and Planning:

  • Collaborated with CARE Bangladesh to define objectives, scope, and methodologies.
  • Developed the inception report outlining tools, methodologies, and timelines.

Data Collection:

  • Conducted surveys with 350 households, including 275 FFS farmers and 75 non-FFS farmers, ensuring scientific sampling and representation.
  • Facilitated 10 KIIs with stakeholders such as Union Parishad officials, DAE personnel, and project coordinators.
  • Organized 6 FGDs with male and female farmers and standing committees to gather qualitative insights.
  • Reviewed secondary data to contextualize findings.

Quality Control Measures:

  • Employed a rigorous quality control mechanism, including daily checks of filled questionnaires and back-checks by field supervisors.
  • Core team members conducted on-site verifications and supported field activities to maintain data integrity.

Data Analysis and Interpretation:

  • Processed and analyzed quantitative data using statistical tools such as SPSS.
  • Conducted thematic analysis of qualitative data to derive actionable insights.
  • Assessed gender-specific dynamics, including decision-making roles and mobility of women.

Reporting and Dissemination:

  • Prepared a detailed baseline report capturing key findings and recommendations.
  • Created visualizations such as graphs and maps to present data effectively.
  • Organized dissemination workshops to share findings with stakeholders and gather feedback.

The study provided a critical understanding of the challenges and opportunities related to climate change adaptation in rainfed farming communities, guiding future interventions under the WtRF project. DM WATCH’s comprehensive approach ensured that the project outcomes aligned with CARE Bangladesh’s objectives, contributing to sustainable community resilience in northern Bangladesh.

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