Assignment Name: Case Stories Documentation on the Impact of the “Child-Centered Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)” Project

Country: Bangladesh

Client Name: Community Participation and Development (CPD)

The “Child-Centered Disaster Risk Reduction (CCDRR)” project, implemented by the Center for Participatory Development (CPD) and funded by Save the Children, was designed to evaluate and document the transformative effects of CCDRR interventions on children’s resilience and community disaster preparedness. This initiative sought to bridge critical gaps in existing disaster preparedness and response strategies, including the lack of child participation, unstructured community preparedness, and insufficient integration of child-centered approaches in disaster risk reduction (DRR).

DM WATCH LIMITED undertook the documentation and evaluation of the CCDRR project implemented in Mohammadpur, Dhaka. The study aimed to assess the key changes and sustainable impacts of CCDRR interventions on household and community disaster resilience. It focused on highlighting empirical evidence of success through participatory approaches, particularly from a child’s perspective. The findings were designed to inform future programming, offering insights for policymakers, practitioners, and other stakeholders seeking to integrate child-centric DRR approaches.

The project involved a blend of quantitative and qualitative methods, including Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), and case studies with children, parents, community representatives, and local authorities. The study culminated in a comprehensive report showcasing significant outcomes and lessons learned, accompanied by photo stories and a findings-sharing workshop for dissemination among stakeholders.

DM WATCH LIMITED delivered a range of services to ensure the project’s success, including:

Project Planning and Coordination:

  • Developed a strategic project plan aligned with CPD and Save the Children’s goals.
  • Designed methodologies and tools tailored for capturing child-centric insights into DRR practices.

Qualitative Data Collection:

  • Conducted FGDs and KIIs with diverse stakeholders, including children, parents, community leaders, and local authorities.
  • Documented detailed case studies to showcase the individual and community-level impacts of DRR interventions.

Community Engagement and Workshops:

  • Organized workshops with children’s groups and community representatives to capture participatory insights into CCDRR processes.
  • Facilitated group discussions to gather perspectives on the effectiveness and sustainability of DRR activities.

Photo Story Creation:

  • Developed visually engaging photo stories to illustrate the project’s outcomes, providing a powerful narrative of the children’s experiences and the project’s impact.

Data Analysis and Interpretation:

  • Employed qualitative analysis techniques, such as thematic coding and grounded theory, to capture nuanced community perspectives.

Reporting and Dissemination:

  • Prepared an inception report, detailed field protocols, and final project report.
  • Organized and facilitated a findings-sharing workshop with stakeholders to disseminate results and gather feedback.
  • Designed a publication-ready final report, integrating lessons learned and recommendations for scaling child-centered DRR practices.

This project demonstrated DM WATCH LIMITED’s ability to deliver comprehensive and impactful assessments, combining robust methodological approaches with participatory practices to drive evidence-based decision-making in child-focused disaster risk reduction.

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