Assignment Name: A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) Campaign on WASH and Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) in Jashore and Benapole Municipality

Country: Bangladesh

Client Name: SNV Netherlands Development Organization

The assignment focused on evaluating the effectiveness of Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) campaigns implemented in Jashore and Benapole municipalities under the WASH SDG Programme, funded by Netherlands’ Government (DGIS). The campaigns aimed to improve sanitation practices, enhance demand for fecal sludge management (FSM) services, and promote sustainable behavior change aligned with environmental and public health goals.

The BCC campaigns were tailored to address specific behavioral objectives in the two municipalities. In Jashore, the campaign targeted the promotion of the FSM brand, “Sabuj Sheba,” and encouraged the safe and regular emptying of septic tanks. In Benapole, the focus was on installing and maintaining water seals in household toilets to reduce environmental contamination and improve hygiene. Both campaigns utilized multi-channel communication strategies, including mass media, social media, community media, interpersonal communication, and branding activities.

DM WATCH LIMITED study team sought to assess the campaigns’ effectiveness in creating brand awareness, changing attitudes, and influencing behaviors toward safe sanitation practices. The findings aimed to guide future re-designs of the BCC strategies to ensure the sustainability of improved sanitation behaviors in these municipalities.

The study covered nine wards in Jashore and five wards in Benapole, involving extensive qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis to evaluate the campaigns’ outcomes, effectiveness of communication channels, and long-term sustainability.

The specific objectives of this assignment were:

For Jashore:

  • To assess the awareness regarding FSM brand ‘Sabuj Sheba’
  • Assess target audiences’ understanding of key messages of campaign
  • Identify the most effective and efficient communication channels, tools, materials and activities to reach target audience
  • To assess knowledge on safe and regular emptying
  • Determine how the BCC campaign influenced the target audience to create interest and uptake of FSM services

For Benapole:

  • To assess knowledge on waterseal
  • Assess target audiences’ understanding of key messages of campaign
  • Identify the most effective and efficient communication channels, tools, materials and activities to reach target audience
  • Determine how the BCC campaign influenced the target audience to change their belief and attitude

DM WATCH LIMITED conducted the study using a structured methodology, combining primary and secondary research approaches, to deliver actionable insights into the effectiveness of the BCC campaigns. The services provided included:

Inception Phase:

  • Conducted a kick-off meeting and program orientation with the SNV team.
  • Reviewed relevant project documents, reports, and campaign materials to understand objectives, methodology, and context.
  • Developed a comprehensive inception report detailing the study design, methodology, data collection tools, and work plan.
  • Finalized the tools and methodology after incorporating feedback from SNV.

Data Collection:

  • Recruited and trained enumerators and field supervisors to ensure high-quality data collection.
  • Conducted household surveys, using a Computer-Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) system via KoBo Toolbox, in 230 households in Jashore and 262 households in Benapole.
  • Facilitated Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with stakeholders, including municipal officials, FSM officers, and slum leaders.
  • Conducted Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with community members (adopters and non-adopters of sanitation practices) and case studies.
  • Collected field stories and GPS-based data to ensure data accuracy and reliability.

Data Management and Analysis:

  • Cleaned, coded, and processed quantitative data using SPSS and Excel, employing descriptive and inferential statistics.
  • Analyzed qualitative data using thematic content analysis, compiling stakeholder feedback and community insights.
  • Assessed campaign effectiveness using the OECD-DAC evaluation framework, focusing on effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability.
  • Conducted comparative analysis of communication channels, behavioral determinants, and campaign strategies.

Reporting and Dissemination:

  • Prepared and submitted two independent draft reports for Jashore and Benapole, detailing findings and recommendations.
  • Organized validation workshops in Jashore and Benapole to present findings and gather stakeholder feedback.
  • Incorporated feedback to finalize the report, ensuring adherence to high-quality standards.
  • Delivered the final report, along with a bilingual study brief in Bangla and English.
  • Produced presentation materials, including infographics and slide decks, for dissemination.

Key Deliverables:

  • Inception report with finalized study methodology and tools.
  • Validated data sets in Excel format and SPSS coding files.
  • Comprehensive final report, including insights into campaign effectiveness and strategic recommendations.
  • Validation workshop findings and bilingual study brief.
  • Presentation materials summarizing study outcomes.

This assignment demonstrated DM WATCH LIMITED’s ability to execute in-depth evaluations of BCC campaigns, providing robust, evidence-based insights to optimize communication strategies for urban sanitation initiatives.

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