Project Information

Project Title: Develop training modules on Climate Change and Adaptation.

Client: BRAC

Project Description:

DM WATCH has prepared seven training modules on climate change and adaptation for BRAC from March 2022 to April 2022. The target group for these training modules includes; i) Partner NGO Staff, ii) School dropout children (between 14-18 years), iii) Mastercraft persons (MCP), iv) Potential entrepreneurs who are above 18 years, and v) Cottage, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (CMSME).

The objective of the assignment was to prepare training modules for capacity building on climate change and adaptation strategies considering the local context of business owners in Cox’s Bazar so that potential entrepreneurs and existing CMSMEs can address climate change impacts on their business and take required adaptation measures. Key informant interviews (KIIs), focus group discussions (FGDs), in-depth interviews (IDI) and transact walk were chosen as data collections tools for better understanding of the local context as well as impacts and possible adaptation measures of climate change on business owners in Cox’s Bazar. Based on the understanding from field visits and secondary research, seven training modules were prepared.

In general, topics of these training modules for each target group included basic discussion about climate change and its impacts on local people, particularly on CMSMEs, possible mitigation strategies and adaptation measures to improve resilience. Besides, good environmental practices and climate smart business skills also featured in several modules. The contents of the modules were written considering each target group so that they can easily understand. Each of the modules include multiple group-works so that they can immediately reflect on their learning.

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