Assignment Name: Developing Earthquake Contingency Planning Document for 14 Wards under Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC)

Country: Bangladesh

Client Name: International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) & German Red Cross (GRC)

The “Earthquake Contingency Planning for 14 Wards under Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC)” aimed to strengthen disaster preparedness and response mechanisms within one of Bangladesh’s most vulnerable urban areas. Recognizing the significant risks posed by earthquakes and secondary hazards such as fire, the initiative focused on equipping DSCC wards with actionable and localized contingency plans to mitigate and respond effectively to disasters.

The project, led by the Dhaka Earthquake and Emergency Preparedness-Enhancing Resilience (DEEPER) consortium, targeted 14 DSCC wards. It sought to address the acute challenges of rapid urbanization, unplanned infrastructure, and limited open spaces, which exacerbate earthquake vulnerability. The planning process emphasized inclusivity, integrating disaster risk reduction (DRR) measures, and considering social and gender-specific needs.

The primary objective was to develop ward-level contingency plans, including Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), addressing key disaster response areas such as evacuation routes, temporary shelters, emergency health facilities, and household preparedness. These plans were designed to enhance coordination among stakeholders, improve resource allocation, and ensure the effective functioning of ward disaster management committees. By leveraging resources like the ALARM app and trained urban volunteers, the project aimed to provide a robust framework for disaster readiness and resilience-building.

The project outputs not only aligned with national disaster management priorities but also contributed to international frameworks like the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. Through multi-stakeholder engagement, data-driven planning, and capacity-building activities, this initiative sought to enhance DSCC’s disaster resilience while creating a replicable model for other urban centers in Bangladesh.

DM WATCH’s team was engaged to develop comprehensive contingency plans for 14 wards in Dhaka South City Corporation as part of the DEEPER project, focused on earthquake preparedness and resilience against multiple hazards. The team’s responsibilities included a thorough review of existing data and information from the DEEPER project, including the Urban Risk Assessment (URA) exercises conducted across the wards. The consultants collaborated closely with ward authorities to ensure that the contingency plans were tailored to the specific needs and risks of each ward and were aligned with local governance structures.

Key services provided by the staff included:

Data Review and Analysis:

  • Conducted a detailed review of the existing data and information collected through the DEEPER project and URA exercises across the 14 wards.
  • Analyzed the identified risks, vulnerabilities, and available resources within each ward to inform the contingency planning process

Stakeholder Engagement and Coordination:

  • Organized consultation workshops with ward councilors, Ward Disaster Management Committees (WDMCs), community representatives, and key agencies such as the Department of Disaster Management (DDM), Fire Service and Civil Defence, and WASA.
  • Conducted Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with local experts, urban planners, and disaster response professionals to gather critical insights.

Data Collection and Analysis:

  • Conducted Urban Risk Assessments (URA) and field observations across all 14 wards to assess vulnerabilities and available resources.
  • Reviewed secondary data, including hazard and resource maps, urban risk assessment reports, and global best practices for disaster management.

Development of Contingency Plans:

  • Developed 14 ward-specific contingency plans, each containing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for earthquake and multi-hazard responses, including at least one worst-case scenario for each ward.
  • Addressed key elements such as evacuation route mapping, temporary shelter planning, and emergency health facilities, ensuring inclusivity for vulnerable populations, including women, children, and persons with disabilities.

Integration of Resources and Risk Management:

  • Integrated available resources from each ward into the contingency plans, ensuring a clear roadmap for their use during and after an incident.
  • Outlined the roles and responsibilities of the ward disaster management committees, ensuring the plans were actionable and clearly defined.

Capacity Building and Training:

  • Facilitated workshops for WDMC members and volunteers to enhance their understanding of disaster preparedness and their roles in response operations.
  • Provided specialized training on first aid, mental health support, and emergency response coordination.

Validation and Finalization:

  • Conducted validation workshops with key stakeholders to review and refine the draft contingency plans and SOPs.
  • Translated finalized plans into Bangla for local accessibility and dissemination.

Implementation Support:

  • Developed tools and templates for ongoing risk assessment and emergency response planning.
  • Provided technical guidance on integrating contingency plans with existing disaster management frameworks and technologies, such as the ALARM app.

Final Report Preparation:

  • Prepared and submitted the final contingency plans, incorporating feedback from consultations and ensuring alignment with the DEEPER project’s goals and objectives.

The consultancy successfully delivered the contingency plans, providing Dhaka South City Corporation with strategic, actionable plans to enhance their preparedness and resilience against earthquakes and other potential hazards.

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