Project Title: Development Project Proforma/ Proposal (DPP) on Public Toilets for Khulna City Corporation, Jashore, Jhenaidah, Kushtia and Benapole Paurashava
Client: SNV Netherlands Development Organization
This is an ongoing assignment started in mid-September 2019. The main objective of this assignment is to assist the City Corporation/ Paurashavas in preparing the Development Project Proposal (DPP) on public toilets and subsequent approval of the DPP by the Ministry of Local Government and Planning Commission. For DPP formulation on Public toilets and subsequent approval of the DPP by the Ministry of Local Government and Planning Commission, DM WATCH is focusing on a comprehensive review of existing policies and standard government proforma and analyzed the context. Based on the review and context analysis, a feasibility study will be incorporated. Any existing feasibility study for the project area will also be reviewed. A logical framework will be developed to bring together all the key components of the project to demonstrate the logic of how projects and programs are expected to work. While preparing the Logical framework policy documents of LGIs and SNV will be reviewed and through qualitative tools opinions from different local-level stakeholders will also be included to finalize the DPP.
The expected outcome of the assignment is to prepare a DPP in line with the standard format of GoB and Finalizing the DPP on public toilets in five cities by incorporating the feedback from stakeholders.
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