Assignment Name: Development Project Proforma/Proposal (DPP) on Public Toilets for Khulna City Corporation, Jashore, Jhenaidah, Kushtia, and Benapole Paurashava
Country: Bangladesh
Client Name: SNV Netherlands Development Organization
The Development Project Proforma/Proposal (DPP) on Public Toilets for Khulna City Corporation, Jashore, Jhenaidah, Kushtia, and Benapole Paurashava aimed to address critical gaps in urban sanitation infrastructure and services. Public toilets are essential for urban well-being, especially in densely populated areas with significant floating populations. However, these cities lacked adequate public toilet (PT) facilities, leading to challenges such as open defecation, environmental degradation, and exclusion of vulnerable groups like women, children, the elderly, and persons with disabilities.
This assignment was undertaken as part of SNV’s City Wide Inclusive Sanitation Engagement (CWISE) program, funded by which operates under the leadership of Local Government Authorities and focuses on citywide, pro-poor, accountable, and sustainable sanitation solutions. The DPP development aimed to provide a strategic framework for constructing, renovating, and maintaining public toilets in the target cities. By assessing current facilities, identifying gaps, and planning for future needs, the project sought to improve sanitation services, enhance the quality of urban life, and contribute to the health, dignity, and privacy of urban populations.
The project emphasized gender equity, universal accessibility, and environmental sustainability. It also incorporated a comprehensive analysis of WASH governance, financial investment, and behavioral change communication, aligning with national strategies and local government frameworks. The finalized DPP was prepared for submission to the Planning Commission for approval, ensuring long-term investment in sanitation infrastructure.
The project team, led by DM WATCH, delivered the following key services:
Policy and Context Analysis:
Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation:
Data Collection and Feasibility Study:
Development of Logical Framework and Draft DPP:
Feedback Integration and Finalization:
Design and Financial Planning:
Capacity Building and Advocacy:
Submission and Approval Support:
This systematic approach ensured that the DPPs addressed current gaps while planning for sustainable and inclusive sanitation solutions, ultimately improving public health and urban liveability in the target cities.
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