Project Title: End line evaluation in the project titled “Strengthen the child protection prevention and response mechanisms for children at-risk to or survivors of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation in Rohingya Camp of Cox’s Bazar
Client: Plan International
This study was carried out from July to August 2019 in two refugee camps and a host community of Ukhiya Upazilla, Cox’s Bazar to understand the overall progress of the project and its impact on the beneficiaries. Both quantitative and qualitative methods have been used to gather information for this study. Probability sampling technique was used for collecting quantitative data whereas Key Informant Interviews, Focus Group Discussions and Child Friendly Participatory Assessment Workshop were conducted in order to collect qualitative data.
The study has found that the activities of the PLAN have significant impact on the refugees but the improvements are needed to enhance the effectiveness of the interventions. The Community Based Child Protection Committee needs a well-designed, hygienic and decorated space, as well gender segregation. The youth club needs to be equipped with more sporting equipment as well opportunities for few more life and technical skills. Besides the Child Friendly Spaces (CFS)/ Adolescents Friendly Spaces (AFS) needs to be more spacious and the activities should be more sustainable. The quantity of CFS/AFS in host communities should also be increased to meet their shortage.
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