Assignment Name: Endline Evaluation of the Urban Empowerment Project

Country: Bangladesh

Client Name: Swiss Red Cross (SRC), Bangladesh

The “Endline Evaluation of Urban Empowerment Project” was undertaken to assess the outcomes and long-term sustainability of a multi-sectoral urban development initiative implemented by the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) with support from the Swiss Red Cross (SRC). The project was designed to improve the lives of urban slum dwellers in Baganbari, Dhaka, and Pukurpar, Gazipur, two densely populated areas characterized by inadequate access to basic services, poor living conditions, and heightened vulnerability to disasters.

The overarching goal of the project was to empower marginalized communities through a participatory, rights-based approach that focused on building resilience and fostering self-reliance. The project aimed to enhance access to basic health and WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) services, promote disaster preparedness, and strengthen local governance mechanisms through the establishment of community-based management committees. It also addressed socio-economic challenges by supporting education, livelihood development, and social inclusion, with a particular emphasis on gender equity and youth engagement.

The project’s interventions were designed to:

  • Establish and strengthen community-based management committees to ensure collective action and sustained ownership of initiatives.
  • Improve access to health and WASH services, focusing on safe drinking water, improved sanitation, and hygiene promotion.
  • Enhance disaster preparedness and risk reduction at the community level, building capacity to mitigate the impacts of floods, fire, and other urban hazards.
  • Support education initiatives, including the establishment of learning centers and school management committees to ensure continued access to quality education for children and youth.
  • Promote livelihood opportunities through skills training and small-scale income-generating activities, empowering women and youth to achieve economic self-reliance.

The project adopted a participatory approach, ensuring that community members were actively involved in identifying challenges, prioritizing needs, and implementing solutions. The endline evaluation measured the effectiveness of these interventions in achieving the project’s objectives, identified gaps, and documented lessons learned to inform the design of future urban development initiatives.

This endline evaluation not only assessed the immediate outcomes of the project but also examined its alignment with the broader goals of urban resilience, sustainability, and community empowerment. By engaging key stakeholders and leveraging evidence-based insights, the evaluation provided actionable recommendations for scaling successful interventions and ensuring their long-term impact.

Specific objectives of the study included:

  • Assess the results of the project by comparing with baseline, through qualitative and quantitative survey.
  • Assess the effectiveness of project intervention and project approach.
  • Assess the effectiveness of community-based approach that encourages the formation and capacitation of community management committees and its constituent entities (Cluster committees) to be self-reliant and autonomous especially in building linkages and partnerships to access essential services
  • Assess the effectiveness of community led interventions – such as solid waste management, skill development and livelihoods, education, day care centre etc. – especially from the sustainability perspective
  • Assess the efficiency and capacity of implementing organization in general and the project team in particular to deliver mentioned project.
  • Provide clear recommendations for the next phase of the project in terms of continuity and departure necessary to adapt project approach and relevant interventions.
  • Also, based on the review of the context and the existing capacity building strategy , provide recommendations on what capacities need to be created at various levels – community, project team, organizational, – so that the goal of reinforcing community resilience can be attained through another programming phase.
  • Assess the capacity of Gazipur branch of BDRCS and recommend measures to strengthen branch capacity.

The study employed a comprehensive mixed-method approach, integrating quantitative household surveys with qualitative tools such as Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs). The findings aimed to guide future urban development initiatives, ensuring alignment with the project’s long-term goals of enhancing urban resilience and community empowerment.

DM WATCH LIMITED successfully implemented the project through a structured and collaborative approach, fulfilling all requirements outlined in the ToR. Key tasks included:

Inception and Planning:

  • Conducted inception meetings with BDRCS, SRC, and local stakeholders to refine evaluation objectives, methodologies, and deliverables.
  • Reviewed project documents, including the log frame, baseline report, and annual reports, to design a robust evaluation framework.
  • Prepared a detailed work plan outlining timelines, roles, and responsibilities.

Survey Design and Tool Development:

  • Designed quantitative and qualitative tools, including structured questionnaires for household surveys and guidelines for FGDs and KIIs.
  • Pre-tested tools to ensure cultural and contextual appropriateness and refined them based on feedback from stakeholders.

Capacity Building and Field Team Training:

  • Recruited and trained 12 research assistants and field supervisors on data collection protocols, ethical considerations, and the use of digital tools.
  • Conducted pilot surveys to validate tools and improve field staff proficiency.

Data Collection:

  • Conducted 736 household surveys across the target communities in Baganbari and Pukurpar.
  • Facilitated 16 FGDs with diverse groups, including community management committees, adolescents, school management committees, and disaster management committees.
  • Conducted 14 KIIs with key stakeholders, including city corporation representatives, teachers, and BDRCS and SRC personnel.
  • Documented case studies highlighting individual and community-level impacts of the project.

Data Analysis and Synthesis:

  • Analyzed quantitative data using statistical software to assess changes in key indicators, comparing endline findings with baseline values.
  • Conducted thematic analysis of qualitative data to capture community narratives, lessons learned, and areas for improvement.
  • Integrated findings into the OECD-DAC evaluation framework, focusing on relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability.

GIS Mapping and Visualization:

  • Mapped service access points and resource gaps in the target communities using GIS tools.
  • Visualized changes in access to essential services and disaster preparedness measures implemented during the project.

Stakeholder Validation and Reporting:

  • Organized validation workshops with BDRCS, SRC, and community representatives to present preliminary findings and gather feedback.
  • Delivered a comprehensive endline evaluation report, including analysis of project outcomes against set indicators, recommendations for scaling and adapting interventions in future project phases, and documentation of unintended positive outcomes and areas for improvement.

Strategic Recommendations:

  • Proposed measures to strengthen community management committees, ensuring self-reliance and sustainability.
  • Suggested capacity-building initiatives for BDRCS staff and local stakeholders to enhance urban development expertise.
  • Recommended integrating gender-sensitive approaches and scaling vocational training programs for women and youth.

This endline evaluation provided valuable insights into the Urban Empowerment Project’s achievements and areas for improvement, offering a roadmap for future urban resilience and empowerment initiatives. The findings and recommendations contributed to informed decision-making for sustainable urban development and community-driven progress.

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