Assignment Name: Endline Evaluation Study on “Improving Living Conditions of Rural and Urban Poor Through Climate-Adaptive and Affordable Housing Technology and WASH Interventions in Mymensingh and Jamalpur Districts in Bangladesh”

Country: Bangladesh

Client Name: Habitat for Humanity International, Bangladesh

The project “Improving living conditions of rural and urban poor through climate-adaptive and affordable housing technologies and WaSH interventions” was implemented by Habitat for Humanity Bangladesh (HFHI-B), with funding from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). The project began in January 2018 and aimed to enhance the quality of living conditions for vulnerable families in both rural and urban areas of Mymensingh and Jamalpur districts in Bangladesh.

The core objective of the project was to improve the resilience of these communities through the construction of affordable climate-smart housing and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) interventions. Key activities included the construction of affordable houses, the renovation of existing homes, the installation of sanitary household toilets, and the provision of community water facilities, including tube wells, water collection points, and bathing facilities. The project targeted vulnerable families living in both urban and rural areas of Mymensingh Sadar, Mymensingh Municipality, Jamalpur Sadar, and Jamalpur Municipality, addressing the pressing need for climate resilience and improved living standards.

The project aimed to provide long-term, sustainable housing solutions that not only improved shelter conditions but also addressed essential services like water, sanitation, and hygiene. These interventions were designed to promote community resilience to climate change and disaster risk reduction (DRR), while simultaneously improving access to safe water, adequate sanitation, and better living environments.

DM WATCH team was tasked with conducting the End-line Evaluation Study for this project. The main objective of the evaluation was to assess the impact and effectiveness of the project’s interventions, particularly at the household and community levels, by evaluating whether the project achieved its intended outcomes. This involved conducting a comprehensive analysis of the project’s success in meeting its goals, specifically in relation to the indicators outlined in the Project Design Matrix (PDM).

The endline evaluation study aimed to:

  • Examine the overall performance of the project based on the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability.
  • Assess the results as per the PDM indicators, comparing baseline, mid-term, and endline data to evaluate the changes and improvements made by the project.
  • Identify challenges, lessons learned, and provide recommendations to improve future programming, particularly focusing on the long-term sustainability of the interventions.

The evaluation was designed to provide insights into how well the project achieved its goals of climate-smart housing, improved WaSH access, and community resilience. Our team’s analysis compared the endline data with the baseline and mid-term evaluation findings to measure progress in key areas such as:

  • Improvement in housing conditions and climate resilience of households.
  • Access to improved sanitation facilities and safe drinking water.
  • Increased awareness and adoption of climate-adaptive technologies in housing construction.
  • Community engagement and empowerment through WaSH and DRR training.

The findings of the endline evaluation provided a comprehensive understanding of the impact of the project, offering clear recommendations for future interventions in the housing and WaSH sectors, particularly in vulnerable communities. The study also highlighted the sustainability of the project’s outcomes, emphasizing the importance of community ownership and multi-stakeholder collaboration in maintaining the improvements made.

Through this endline evaluation, our team contributed valuable data and insights that will inform Habitat for Humanity Bangladesh’s future projects, ensuring that the lessons learned from this initiative are integrated into ongoing and upcoming efforts aimed at improving the living conditions of the urban and rural poor in Bangladesh.

DM WATCH team provided the following services during the endline evaluation study of the project:

Planning and Consultation:

  • Conducted a comprehensive desk review of project and relevant documents.
  • Consulted with Habitat for Humanity Bangladesh (HFHI-B) to finalize the scope, design, and methodology of the endline evaluation. This involved reviewing the Project Design Matrix (PDM) and comparing it with the results from the baseline and mid-term evaluations.
  • Engaged with project stakeholders, including local government officials and community leaders, to ensure that the study was aligned with project goals and local realities.
  • Developed the evaluation framework and outlined the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability in line with the OECD/DAC standards.

Data Collection and Fieldwork:

  • Developed and finalized data collection tools, including household surveys, focus group discussion (FGD) guides, and key informant interview (KII) templates. These tools were designed to collect comprehensive data on housing conditions, WaSH facilities, and the socio-economic status of beneficiaries.
  • Trained enumerators in data collection methods, ensuring the integrity and reliability of the data.
  • Conducted 240 household interviews and 28 KIIs with various stakeholders such as community leaders, project staff, and technical experts.
  • Facilitated 14 FGDs in the selected areas to assess community perceptions, challenges, and lessons learned from the interventions.
  • Performed physical observations of sanitation and housing facilities to assess the quality and functionality of the interventions.

Data Management and Analysis:

  • Analyzed quantitative data analyzed using statistical tools such as SPSS and Excel to assess key project indicators, including housing improvements, access to WaSH services, and community resilience.
  • Analyzed qualitative data from FGDs, KIIs, and case studies to identify key themes and insights regarding project impact, sustainability, and challenges.
  • Synthesized findings based on the OECD evaluation criteria, comparing endline results with baseline and mid-term data.

Reporting and Recommendations:

  • Produced a comprehensive endline evaluation report that included findings, analysis, and recommendations. This report was designed to assess the project’s success, challenges, and areas for improvement.
  • The report highlighted key impacts, such as improvements in housing quality, increased access to clean water, enhanced sanitation, and improved community resilience to climate change and disasters.
  • Developed actionable recommendations for future phases of the project and similar interventions, including suggestions for scaling up successful approaches and addressing gaps in service delivery.
  • Organized a stakeholder dissemination workshop where the findings were shared with HFHI-B, KOICA, and other relevant stakeholders to discuss the project’s impact and lessons learned.

Dissemination and Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Shared the final evaluation report with HFHI-B, KOICA, and local stakeholders, ensuring that findings and recommendations were accessible and actionable for future projects.
  • Conducted workshops and presentations to ensure the findings were understood by local authorities and community members, allowing for the integration of lessons learned into ongoing development efforts.

This endline evaluation provided critical insights into the effectiveness and sustainability of the project, offering valuable data for future interventions aimed at improving living conditions in climate-vulnerable areas of Bangladesh.

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