Assignment Name: Study on the Social and Economic Empowerment of the Ultra-Poor (SEEUP) Project

Country: Bangladesh

Client Name: NETZ

The “Study Social and Economic Empowerment of Ultra-Poor” (SEEUP) project, initiated by NETZ Partnership for Development and Justice, aimed to enhance the social and economic status of the ultra-poor in Dinajpur and Joypurhat districts of Bangladesh. This project was a part of a broader initiative running from January 2010 to December 2013, funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented through three partner NGOs: Ashrai in Joypurhat, Jagorani Chakra Foundation in Rangpur, and Sabalamby Unnayan Samity (SUS) in Netrakona. The project’s broad objective was to assess and improve the livelihood conditions of the target beneficiaries. An endline study was conducted to measure the impact of the project interventions on the livelihood situations of the beneficiaries, focusing on specific indicators defined in the Logical Framework.

DM WATCH LIMITED employed a mixed-method approach to ensure a robust analysis of project outcomes. Key tasks included:

Project Planning and Management:

  • Developed a comprehensive project plan that included all phases from inception to final reporting. This involved close consultation with project officials to align the study with the project’s objectives and the expectations of NETZ and its partner NGOs.

Data Collection and Analysis:

  • Conducted extensive field surveys, covering 2000 households in Dinajpur and Joypurhat to collect data on the livelihood conditions of the beneficiaries. The data collection process was meticulously planned and executed in collaboration with partner NGOs to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Training and Supervision:

  • Provided training and continuous supervision to the field staff, which included data collectors, field supervisors, and data entry operators. This ensured that the data collected was reliable and that field operations were conducted smoothly.

Statistical Analysis:

  • Applied rigorous statistical methods such as regression analysis, t-tests, One-way ANOVA, and custom tables to analyze the data. This helped in identifying the associations and impacts of various project components on the beneficiaries’ socio-economic conditions.

Comparative Analysis:

  • Compared endline data with baseline data to assess the progress and impact of the project interventions over time. This comparative analysis was crucial in understanding the effectiveness of the project activities.

Report Writing and Presentation:

  • Compiled the findings into a detailed endline survey report. Presented preliminary findings and recommendations in a debriefing session with NETZ and PNGOs, ensuring transparency and collaborative evaluation of the project outcomes.

Workshop Facilitation:

  • Organized and facilitated a findings dissemination workshop at the end of the project. This workshop served as a platform to present the final report and discuss future recommendations with all stakeholders involved.

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