Assignment Name: Endline Survey 2023 for Jashore and Benapole Paurashavas, and Gazipur  City Corporation (Zone 1 and Zone 4) under WASH SDG Programme

Country: Bangladesh

Client Name: SNV Netherlands Development Organization

DM WATCH LIMITED was commissioned to conduct the “Endline Survey 2023” for the WASH SDG Programme in Jashore and Benapole Paurashavas, and Gazipur City Corporation (Zone 1 and Zone 4). The primary objective was to evaluate the urban sanitation and hygiene situation in these regions to assess the progress and effectiveness of the WASH SDG Programme activities and their impact on the targeted populations. This survey serves as the concluding assessment following the baseline and midline surveys conducted in 2019 and 2021, respectively.

The WASH SDG Programme, financed by the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs, focuses on improving access to sustainable, climate-resilient, and inclusive WASH services, targeting households, educational institutions, health facilities, and sanitation operators. The program emphasizes gender equality and social inclusion while addressing climate vulnerability. The endline survey aimed to measure performance against impact and outcome indicators using the OECD-DAC evaluation framework, ensuring an evidence-based assessment of program interventions.

DM WATCH LIMITED utilized a robust mixed-methods approach, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. This included household surveys, educational and health facility assessments, and interviews with key stakeholders. The study aimed to provide actionable insights into the program’s effectiveness and impact, contributing to future strategic planning and scaling efforts for sustainable WASH services.

DM WATCH LIMITED undertook the following activities and deliverables for the successful completion of the endline survey:

Inception Phase:

  • Conducted an inception meeting with SNV to finalize the scope, methodology, and work plan.
  • Performed a comprehensive desk review of relevant program documents and prior surveys.
  • Prepared and submitted the inception report, including detailed methodologies, tools, sampling strategy, and an updated fieldwork plan.
  • Incorporated SNV feedback to finalize the inception report.

Quantitative and Qualitative Data Collection:

  • Recruited and trained enumerators and research assistants, equipping them with digital tools and customized training on data collection methodologies.
  • Developed digital data collection tools using KoBoToolbox, ensuring real-time data monitoring and GPS tracking for quality assurance.
  • Collected quantitative data through household surveys (6,833 households), educational institutions (439), health care facilities (210), and operators (8).
  • Conducted qualitative data collection via focus group discussions (FGDs), key informant interviews (KIIs), and in-depth interviews (IDIs) with relevant stakeholders.

Data Quality Assurance:

  • Implemented rigorous quality control measures, including spot checks, back checks, and daily reviews of collected data.
  • Utilized advanced tools such as XLSForm for multilingual survey design and bcstats in Stata for validation.

Data Analysis and Reporting:

  • Processed and analyzed quantitative data using SPSS and Excel, employing descriptive and inferential statistical techniques.
  • Conducted thematic and content analysis of qualitative data to capture stakeholder perspectives and intervention impacts.
  • Triangulated quantitative and qualitative data for comprehensive insights.

Reporting and Dissemination:

  • Prepared a draft report incorporating analysis results,
  • Prepared multiple two-pager city-level overviews with key findings,
  • Facilitated a debriefing session and presented key findings to SNV for validation.
  • Addressed feedback to finalize the report and submitted digital and hard copies, alongside cleaned datasets and GPS coordinates.

Key Outputs Delivered:

  • Final report with detailed findings and recommendations.
  • Two-pager overviews summarizing insights for each municipality/zone.
  • SPSS and Excel datasets with labeled and coded data.
  • A digital dashboard for remote monitoring and tracking of survey progress.

By combining innovative methodologies, stringent quality controls, and inclusive stakeholder engagement, DM WATCH LIMITED ensured the delivery of actionable and reliable insights for the WASH SDG Programme’s strategic planning and impact evaluation.

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