Assignment Name: Evaluation Study of the Child Rights Governance Project

Country: Bangladesh

Client Name: Social and Economic Enhancement Programme (SEEP)

The “Evaluation Study of Child Rights Governance” project, conducted in the urban slums of Mirpur within the Dhaka North City Corporation, was initiated by SEEP and funded by Save the Children. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of governance on child rights within these communities, particularly focusing on budget allocations for children’s needs and addressing issues like corporal punishment in homes and schools. The project’s overarching goal was to ensure that children’s rights were considered during the budget preparation processes and to advocate for governance reforms that would protect and enhance these rights.

DM WATCH LIMITED undertook the following tasks to ensure a robust and impactful study:

  • Project Planning and Design: DM WATCH designed the project plan, aligning it with the specific needs identified in the Terms of Reference provided by SEEP.
  • Data Collection: The firm conducted a household survey across 381 randomly selected samples within Ward 5 of Dhaka North City Corporation. Additionally, 40 focus group discussions (FGDs) were held with various stakeholders including teachers, parents, ward councilors, ward-level standing committees, school management committees, civil society organizations, and child forums/clubs. Four detailed case studies were also developed, targeting specific children to gather deeper insights.
  • Key Informant Interviews (KIIs): A total of 13 KIIs were carried out with a range of stakeholders including government officials, NGO representatives, community leaders, local government representatives, city corporation personnel, imams, and marriage leaders.
  • Data Analysis and Reporting: DM WATCH processed the collected data digitally, ensuring accurate and timely analysis. Findings from the desk review, surveys, and other methods were triangulated and compared against baseline data to measure the impact and progress.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: The team organized a dissemination workshop where the project findings were presented to stakeholders including parents, teachers, children, mentors, relevant government officials, and NGOs to discuss outcomes and potential improvements.
  • Reporting: Prepared and submitted both draft and final study reports, which included detailed analysis and recommendations.

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