Project Information

Project Title: Final Evaluation of Agriculture and Food Security (AFSP III) Project of SID-CHT

Client: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Project Description:

Agriculture and Food Security Project has been running in the Chittagong Hill Tracts since 2010. The project ran in three phases from 2010 to 2021. The main objective of AFSP III was to increase pro-poor inclusive agricultural growth and sustainable employment creation for marginal and small farm households with enhanced Food Security in CHT and to enhance Hill District Councils’ (HDCs) capacity. The final evaluation of AFSP III project covered 23 Upazilas in CHT (4 in Bandarban, 9 in Khagrachari, and 10 in Rangamati).  

The overall objective of the evaluation was to document achievements and analyse the outcomes and impact of the AFSP III project since 2018. Based on the findings, the study team prepared recommendations for future programmes. 

The evaluation study followed a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods of investigation. A stratified random sampling technique was used to collect the quantitative data. The sample size for the qualitative data collection was determined purposively, considering maximum saturation. 

The data were collected from 16 March to 29 March 2022. A total of 1552 quantitative household surveys (Treatment=1027, Control=525) were carried out with farmers. To collect qualitative data, the evaluation team conducted focus group discussions with Farmer Facilitators and Para Development Committees and interviewed government stakeholders and project officials. 

The overall findings have showed that the project significantly impacted the lives of poor and marginalized farmers of CHT. The activities of the project improved their livelihood, increased food security and increased use of modern agricultural technology. The project had increased the relationship between the government line departments and the poor and marginalized farmers. The project activities were able to address the challenges and adapted to local settings. The project has contributed to ensuring gender equality and women’s empowerment. The project activities were also found to be aligned with the national policy/guidelines. The project’s positive outcomes may sustain longer as the farmers shared their learnings with the other farmers who were not beneficiaries. The final evaluation report, played a vital role by recommending specific programmatic recommendations and actions aimed at future programming.

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