Assignment Name: Final Evaluation of the CHT Climate Resilience Project (CCRP) under the Strengthening Inclusive Development in Chittagong Hill Tracts (SID-CHT) Project
Country: Bangladesh
Client Name: United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
The CHT Climate Resilience Project (CCRP), a component of the SID-CHT initiative, addressed climate-induced vulnerabilities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts through sustainable livelihood and watershed management practices. Funded by DANIDA and implemented by the Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs (MoCHTA) in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the project focused on marginalized and vulnerable groups, including indigenous populations and women, and built local capacity for climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction.
Implemented in 10 Upazilas, the CCRP aimed to increase climate resiliency through community-led vulnerability assessments and Local Resilience Plans (LRPs). By promoting sustainable natural resource management, the project empowered communities to manage micro- and small-watersheds effectively, improving ecosystem services and diversifying income sources.
This evaluation assessed the project’s achievements in strengthening community resilience, institutional capacity, and governance systems while identifying lessons for scaling interventions across similar contexts.
The main purpose of this evaluation was to collect the end line data/ information of the project to measure the most significant changes and results at the output/outcome level for beneficiaries, institutions, and communities with a focus on the overall implementation process and progress towards project targets.
The specific objectives of the study are:
- To assess to what extent CCRP have contributed to addressing the needs and problems identified during programme design
- To measure Impact level changes of the projects
- To measure intended outcomes of the projects
- To assess the efficiency and effectiveness of various project interventions and to identify causes of success and/or failure with recommendations
- To measure the value addition of the project after continuing over decades, especially for CCRP
- To examine how the initiatives of the projects are mainstreamed in the government process.
- To measure the Value for money
- To provide forward-looking programmatic recommendations (for any course correction) to achieve the intended results/outcome
The key findings of this evaluation were used for future project design and policy implications at UNDP and the Government of Bangladesh.
The actual services provided in the assignment included:
Evaluation Design and Framework:
- Stakeholder Consultation: Conducted an initial meeting with UNDP stakeholders to discuss the assignment’s background, objectives, and collect relevant baseline data and programme information. Collaborated with stakeholders to select sites for pre-testing evaluation tools.
- Desk Review and Inception Report: Carried out an in-depth desk review of programme documents, UNDP strategies, related UN and Ministry documents, and academic literature. Developed and finalized an inception report incorporating feedback from the commissioning parties.
- Tool Design: Designed comprehensive data collection tools, including household survey questionnaires, Key Informant Interview (KII) checklists, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) checklists, and case study guidelines.
- Tool Pre-testing and Finalization: Conducted a pre-test of the developed tools, used feedback to refine and finalize the structured survey questionnaire and qualitative checklists.
- Field Research Team Recruitment: Recruited a field research team with relevant experience, particularly in livelihood data collection, to carry out the primary data collection
Field Implementation:
- Conducted surveys with 1640 treatment and control households, focusing on climate resilience outcomes in the target Upazilas, with disaggregating data by demographic variables such as gender, age, ethnicity, and disability status
- Facilitated FGDs with Climate Resilience Committees (CRCs), PDCs, and community members.
- Conducted KIIs with local leaders, traditional authorities, and HDC officials to understand institutional impacts.
Data Management and Quality Assurance:
- Utilized electronic data collection tools and implemented rigorous quality control protocols.
- Conducted data cleaning, coding, and triangulation to ensure validity and reliability.
Impact Assessment, Reporting, and Dissemination:
- Analyzed project contributions to resilience, gender equity, and institutional sustainability using qualitative and quantitative methods.
- Prepared a detailed evaluation report with actionable recommendations for future programming.
- Organized dissemination workshops to share findings with UNDP, MoCHTA, and other stakeholders.