Project Title: Final Evaluation of Sustainable Solutions to Solid Waste Management (SWM) Project in Cox’s Bazar District
Client: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
UNDP implemented the project titled Sustainable Solutions to Solid Waste Management (SWM) in Cox’s Bazar with funding from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). UNDP hired DM WATCH for the final evaluation of the project. The evaluation was aimed to assess the progress of the SWM project to date, the performance and achievements of the project and the validity of its overall approach and quality; and provide recommendations for adjustment and lessons learned that will inform the development of the next phase.
DM WATCH conducted the final evaluation using both quantitative and qualitative methods by designing the structured questionnaires for households and shops interviews. The required number of checklists and interview schedules were developed for key informant interviews (KIIs), for In-depth Interviews (IDIs), for Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), and for Physical Observation. The final evaluation has identified that the implementation of the SWM project has brought significant changes in camps and host community. The project has developed SWM capacity by providing training to households, shops, cash-for-workers and local actors as well as developing SWM infrastructures such as landfill, compost plant, materials recovery facility and secondary waste collection point.
The project has been able to engage local government and actors in SWM activities and introduced cost recovery system by linking up between households and scrap dealers. The project has developed waste services fee for local government which is conducted to ensure sustainable SWM project. The final evaluation report has made specific recommendations and actions for the project’s rapid progress and extension.
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