Assignment Name: Baseline Study on Financial Inclusion to Improve Sanitation & Health and Achieve Integrated & Sustainable WASH and Waste Management Services for Faridpur Municipality

Country: Bangladesh

Client Name: Practical Action

The “Financial Inclusion Improves Sanitation & Health” (FINISH Mondial) project in Bangladesh aims to enhance sanitation through an integrated approach addressing both demand and supply sides of the sanitation challenge. Launched in 2019, the project focused on improving sanitation, faecal sludge management (FSM), and solid waste management (SWM) in peri-urban areas of Faridpur, Satkhira, and Sakhipur municipalities. By collaborating with local stakeholders, the project sought to create an enabling environment and strengthen the sanitation market, ensuring sustainable solutions.

The baseline study was conducted under the FINISH Mondial programme, implemented by Practical Action with financial support from WASTE, Netherlands. The project aimed to address critical gaps in sanitation, hygiene, solid waste management (SWM), and faecal sludge management (FSM) systems in Faridpur municipality to create healthier, inclusive, and economically empowered communities. The initiative focused on improving access to safely managed sanitation facilities, strengthening service delivery systems, and promoting financial inclusion to drive sustainable WASH practices.

The study examined sanitation practices across households, institutions (schools, healthcare facilities), and public places to establish baseline indicators for FSM and SWM services. Specific objectives included assessing sanitation coverage, waste segregation, containment, collection, and treatment practices while identifying gaps in service provision, policy enforcement, and financial mechanisms. The study also evaluated gender and social inclusion (GESI) perspectives in sanitation decision-making processes and explored the enabling environment for sanitation markets. Data and insights from the baseline study informed programmatic interventions to ensure improved sanitation, hygiene, and waste management practices through multi-stakeholder collaboration in Faridpur.

The project team provided the following key services during the baseline study:

Planning and Consultation:

  • Engaged in detailed briefings and planning meetings with the project management team to finalize the study design, methodology, and data collection strategy.
  • Conducted consultations with relevant stakeholders, including municipal officials, community members, and service providers, to align the study objectives with local needs.

Document Review:

  • Reviewed essential documents such as the project proposal, Theory of Change, Results Framework, work plans, relevant municipal rules and regulations, and secondary data sources to inform the baseline assessment.

Study Design and Planning:

  • Developed a comprehensive methodology based on a mixed-method approach incorporating quantitative and qualitative data collection tools.
  • Designed survey questionnaires, focus group discussion (FGD) guidelines, and key informant interview (KII) checklists aligned with the project’s Theory of Change (ToC) and results framework.
  • Designed and pre-tested data collection tools, ensuring they were adapted to the specific needs of the study area.

Data Collection:

  • Conducted 384 household surveys across slum and non-slum areas to assess sanitation, hygiene, FSM, and SWM status.
  • Administered key informant interviews (KIIs) with stakeholders, including municipal officials, health workers, local businesses, and financial institutions, to gather insights on service gaps and policy challenges.
  • Facilitated focus group discussions (FGDs) with community members, particularly marginalized groups, to capture qualitative perspectives on WASH services and financial inclusion barriers.
  • Performed physical inspections of toilets, faecal sludge containment, collection facilities, and public spaces to verify sanitation and hygiene conditions.

Data Management and Analysis:

  • Ensured data quality through rigorous training of enumerators, field supervision, and real-time data validation.
  • Applied both descriptive and inferential analysis to assess sanitation service levels, hygiene practices, waste management efficiency, and financial inclusion indicators.
  • Mapped the sanitation value chain using GIS tools, identifying existing infrastructure gaps and priority intervention areas.

Gender and Social Inclusion Analysis:

  • Assessed the participation of women and socially excluded groups in sanitation decision-making processes.
  • Provided recommendations for enhancing gender-responsive WASH services to ensure inclusivity and equity.

Reporting and Recommendations:

  • Delivered a detailed baseline report highlighting the current sanitation and waste management landscape, gaps, and opportunities.
  • Proposed actionable recommendations for improving service delivery, enhancing financial access to sanitation loans, and promoting private sector engagement.
  • Outlined key findings for integrating faecal sludge management with solid waste management systems to create a circular economy solution.

Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Engaged municipal authorities, local businesses, financial institutions, and development partners to validate findings and build consensus for future interventions.
  • Provided insights for creating partnerships to improve the sustainability of sanitation and waste management services in Faridpur.

This baseline study successfully established critical benchmarks and guided programmatic priorities for Practical Action’s interventions under the FINISH Mondial initiative, ensuring sustainable, inclusive, and integrated WASH systems in Faridpur municipality.

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