Project Title: Household, commercial, industrial and institutional baseline survey for the development of wastewater management facilities for Gazipur City Corporation under PPP framework.
Client: Mahindra Consulting Engineers Ltd (MACE), Price Water house Coopers, etc.
This project was carried out from Mid-September to mid-November, 2019, to establish a database through Household Baseline Survey for Gazipur City Corporation. A total of 1500 households and 100 industry and intuitions of Gazipur City Corporation were surveyed and the information was collected using the Kobo Collect App. The survey covered at least 1% of the households to validate and update the findings regarding to the project Components. DM WATCH adapted a robust data entry program, and was responsible for translating the user interface into the appropriate local language, adapting the program to reflect any changes from the base questionnaire, and adding modules for any additional data collection that is unique to the survey.
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