Assignment Name: Impact Evaluation of the Project Titled “Pre-Monsoon Flood Protection and Drainage Improvement in Haor Areas (2nd Revised)”

Country: Bangladesh

Client Name: Implementation Monitoring & Evaluation Division (IMED), Ministry of Planning)

The “Pre-Monsoon Flood Protection and Drainage Improvement in Haor Areas (2nd Revised)” project was initiated by the Ministry of Water Resources, under the implementation of the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), with the aim to mitigate the impacts of pre-monsoon floods in the Haor regions of Bangladesh. The Haor areas, which are low-lying and prone to early floods, face significant damage to crops, property, and life during the pre-monsoon season. This project sought to address these issues by enhancing flood protection and improving drainage systems to safeguard agricultural lands, particularly Boro crops, which are vital to the livelihood of local farmers.

The project was approved in 2011, with several revisions due to unforeseen delays and damage caused by the floods. The second revision in 2017 extended the project until June 2019 and reallocated resources to repair the damage caused by early floods. The project aimed to improve the drainage infrastructure, including the construction of embankments, compartmental dykes, drainage outlets, causeways, and irrigation inlets across the affected Haor areas, including Sylhet, Sunamganj, Habiganj, Moulvibazar, Netrokona, and Kishoreganj districts.

In this context, the project implemented various physical infrastructures to manage water flow, reduce flood damage, and improve agricultural productivity, thereby contributing to enhanced food security and the socio-economic development of the region.

Our team was commissioned to conduct the impact evaluation of the project, which involved assessing the outcomes and effectiveness of the interventions, especially the improvements made to the drainage systems and flood protection infrastructure.

The purpose of the impact assessment and the scope of the consulting firm were as follows:

  • Review the details of the project (background, status of approval / modification, subject matter of financing, name of the project, enterprise ministry, implementing agency, implementation period, approved expenditure, year-based expenditure estimates, rationale for project area selection, all applicable information);
  • Collection, insertion, analysis, presentation and review of project-based implementation progress (actual and financial) through table / chart;
  • Review and monitoring of achievements achieved at Output, Outcome and Impact level in the light of project objectives and logframes;
  • Monitoring and reviewing whether the existing laws and regulations (PPR, development partner’s guidelines, etc.) have been complied with in procurement of various products, works and services performed under the project (in this case letter processing and evaluation review; Whether the packages are broken, if broken, the cause must be verified and whether it has been approved with the approval of the appropriate authority);
  • Analysis of ancillary matters including manpower required for operation and maintenance of facilities (products, infrastructure and services) created under the project;
  • Review and observation as to whether the specification BoQ / ToR specified in the purchase agreement relating to the goods, works and services collected under the project has been procured through necessary inspection / verification as per the quality quantity.
  • Analysis of various aspects related to project risk i.e. various problems related to implementation such as: delay in financing, delay in procurement / procurement of goods, works and services in implementation, inefficiency in management and increase in duration and cost of the project;
  • After the implementation of the project work, it is necessary to provide specific observations and recommendations by collecting and analyzing the primary data from the field level on whether there has been any benefit in the applicable field. Also to collect information through field inspections, Individual Interview, KII (Key Informant Information) & FGD (Focus Group Discussion);
  • Review of data on project approval amendments (where applicable), allocation of funds, rebates, payment of bills, etc.; Also to check the rationality of year based action plan and money demand estimates in DPP and whether the project has been implemented as per the action plan from the beginning of the project. Identify deviations from the plan and provide remedial advice and recommendations for the future;
  • Comparative review in the light of various national / local data (where applicable) and Baseline Survey (if any) on what has changed according to project goals and objectives as a result of project activities;
  • Review and monitoring of Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) achievement of the project;
  • Provide feedback to make the benefits created after the completion of the project sustainable;
  • SWOT Analysis of activities implemented under the project, implementation method, sustainable and managed facilities etc.
  • To review, analyze and provide feedback on Relevance, Efficiency, Effectiveness and Sustainability of the project; and
  • Overall review and necessary recommendations based on various observations received regarding the project.

The following services were provided during the evaluation:

Planning and Consultation:

  • Engaged in discussions with IMED and BWDB to clarify the scope and objectives of the evaluation, ensuring alignment with the project’s intended outcomes.
  • Conducted preliminary reviews of the project documents, including the project proposal, logframe, financial reports, and progress reports to understand the interventions, targets, and achievements.

Data Collection and Fieldwork:

  • Conducted field visits to 14 upazilas in the six districts of the Haor region, covering both pre- and post-project implementation periods.
  • Collected data through 480 interviews, 14 focus group discussions (FGDs), and 41 key informant interviews (KIIs) with farmers, local government officials, and other stakeholders involved in the project.
  • Conducted 480 household surveys to gather information on the impact of flood protection measures, agricultural productivity, and changes in the livelihoods of local communities.
  • Used 20 on-site inspections (physical observation) to verify the construction and effectiveness of drainage infrastructure, embankments, and other flood protection measures.

Data Management and Analysis:

  • Organized and analyzed both qualitative and quantitative data collected from the field. This included assessing the impact on agriculture, drainage systems, and socio-economic conditions in the Haor regions.
  • Applied statistical analysis tools to measure changes in crop yields, flood damages, and economic activities pre- and post-project.
  • Conducted a SWOT analysis to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and risks of the project’s implementation, as well as its long-term sustainability.

Assessment of Project Outputs and Outcomes:

  • Evaluated the effectiveness of the project’s infrastructural interventions, including: i) Resectioning of embankments and construction of drainage outlets, ii) Flood protection measures for Boro crops and irrigation systems, and iii) Reduction in waterlogging and improvements in river navigability.
  • Measured the socio-economic impact of the project, focusing on changes in agricultural practices, income levels, and community resilience to floods.
  • Evaluated the sustainability of the project through the operation and maintenance (O&M) plan implemented by BWDB.

Reporting and Recommendations:

  • Delivered a comprehensive impact evaluation report, detailing the achievements, gaps, and lessons learned from the project.
  • Provided actionable recommendations on: i) Improving flood management and drainage infrastructure in future projects, ii) Enhancing community participation in maintenance and decision-making processes, and iii) Strengthening disaster risk management and resilience-building strategies.
  • Suggested areas for scaling up successful interventions, especially in improving the flood protection infrastructure for the most vulnerable communities.

Stakeholder Engagement and Dissemination:

  • Organized a local level workshop with local stakeholders, IMED staff, and project staff to get insights on different aspects of the project’s impact and learning.
  • Organized a national level workshop with local stakeholders, BWDB, IMED, and beneficiaries to share the findings of the evaluation, gather feedback, and discuss potential improvements for future flood management projects.
  • Prepared a dissemination report and presented the findings through slides, factsheets, and policy briefs to ensure the findings were accessible to a wide audience.

Through these services, DM WATCH team provided a thorough evaluation of the impact and effectiveness of the Pre-Monsoon Flood Protection and Drainage Improvement project, offering key insights for improving future flood management initiatives in Bangladesh, particularly in flood-prone areas like the Haor regions. The evaluation highlighted the significant progress made in protecting crops, improving drainage, and enhancing community resilience, while also identifying areas for long-term sustainability and policy improvements.

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