Assignment Name: In-depth monitoring of the “Basic Literacy Project (64 Districts)”

Country: Bangladesh

Client Name: Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Sector-3, Ministry of Planning, IMED, Government of Bangladesh

The “In-depth Monitoring of the Basic Literacy Project (64 Districts)” was commissioned by the Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) under the Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh, to assess the implementation progress, effectiveness, and sustainability of a nationwide initiative aimed at eradicating illiteracy among adolescents and adults aged 15–45. The project, implemented by the Bureau of Non-Formal Education (BNFE) under the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, was designed to align with national goals outlined in the National Non-Formal Education Policy 2006, the National Education Policy 2010, and global commitments such as the Education for All (EFA) agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The project aimed to provide basic literacy and life skills to 4.5 million beneficiaries across 250 upazilas in 64 districts. It sought to improve literacy rates, empower communities through non-formal education, and create a foundation for human resource development. Key interventions included the establishment of learning centers, recruitment of instructors, distribution of educational materials, and capacity-building initiatives for stakeholders.

Objectives of the Project:

  • To provide Basic Literacy and Life Skills to 4.5 million illiterate adolescents and adults of 15-45 age group.
  • To contribute to eradication of illiteracy from the country as well as achieving global and national EFA goals as envisaged in NPA-II and the Sixth Five-Year plan.
  • To contribute to implementation of the National NFE Policy-2006 and the National Education Policy-2010.
  • To strengthen the capacity of BNFE and  other  agencies  involved  in  Non-Formal Education.
  • To Promote GO-NGO and community collaboration in NFE.
  • To develop primers in the mother tongue(s) of the ethnic groups for the learners of 3 hill districts.

This in-depth monitoring assignment was crucial for assessing the project’s alignment with its objectives, identifying implementation challenges, and ensuring the sustainability of benefits.

Specific objectives of the in-depth monitoring included:

  • To review and present project related information (Background, Objectives, Status of project approval/revision, mode of financing & other relevant issues etc.) and to examine whether the overall project design is relevant with the project objectives.
  • To collect, review, analyze and present with graphical/tabular form of data in regard to overall progress & component wise implementation progress (physical and financial) of the project.
  • To review the targets and actual progress of the project against the approved Annual Work Plan & Annual Procurement Plan as well.
  • To monitor whether implementation of the project or any of the components has been delayed in terms of financing, procuring goods, managerial inefficiency, which causes to increase of project cost or implementation period and identify/analyze the reason/s and responsible for the delay.
  • To analyze the qualitative and quantitative aspect of the training and other activities of basic literacy program conducted comparing with the target of the approved DPP/RDPP.
  • To examine whether the provisions of PPA 2006 and PPR 2008 are being followed properly in the procurement process (Invitation of tender, specification/ToR/BOQ, evaluation of tender, approval procedures, contract awards etc.) of the packages (goods, works and services) & to analyze these procurement-related functions based on predetermined indicators.
  • To examine and review the status of goods/works/services procured and its proper maintenance with necessary/appropriate manpower under the project.
  • To assess and analyze the information regarding project management capacity, experience, project management & procurement related training, meeting arrangement and efficiency to implementation of the decision and tenure as project director of project director.
  • To analyze the data and information of project approval, revision (if any), financing, fund release and payments etc.
  • To conduct survey over the Beneficiaries/Stakeholders of the project and analyze their opinions included in the study.
  • To investigate the strengths and weaknesses of the project and identify potential threats and challenges (SWOT analysis) towards effective implementation of ongoing activities of the project.
  • To evaluate whether illiterate adolescents and adults are being motivated to be literate through the Basic Literacy Programme.
  • To assess the overall non-formal education system especially the coverage of this project is being implemented.
  • To evaluate all activities of BL programme i.e. social mobilization, training & workshop, LCs etc. and to comment whether the activities is being implemented on right track.
  • Overall review on the basis of findings of In-depth Monitoring Study;
  • To make specific recommendations based on the findings of the In-depth monitoring study with a view to attaining the project objectives as planned
  • To make comments on sustainability (Exit Plan) of project’s benefits after completion of the project.
  • To accomplish other relevant/related tasks assigned by the Authority in the contract period.

The findings informed strategies for enhancing non-formal education delivery and achieving Bangladesh’s long-term literacy goals.

The following services were provided by the DM WATCH team:

Project Planning and Inception:

  • Conducted inception meetings with IMED and BNFE technical and steering committees to finalize the monitoring framework, methodologies, and deliverables.
  • Conducted a comprehensive review of the project’s background, objectives, and implementation status. Collected and analyzed both qualitative and quantitative data concerning the project’s progress, including financial and physical implementation across all districts.
  • Prepared a detailed inception report, including a work plan, data collection tools, and timelines.

Development of Monitoring Tools:

  • Designed structured questionnaires for household surveys to assess the literacy skills and socio-economic impact on beneficiaries.
  • Developed guidelines for Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), and physical observations to capture qualitative insights.

Field Team Training:

  • Trained field enumerators and supervisors on the use of digital tools (e.g., KoBoToolbox) for real-time data collection.
  • Conducted pilot testing of tools to ensure reliability and validity.

Data Collection:

  • Conducted 800 household surveys across 16 districts, representing diverse geographic and demographic contexts.
  • Facilitated 16 FGDs with learners, instructors, and community stakeholders to explore experiences and challenges.
  • Conducted 25 KIIs with key officials, including BNFE representatives, project directors, and local government officials.
  • Observed 80 learning centers to evaluate the quality of facilities, availability of materials, and operational efficiency.

Data Analysis:

  • Analyzed quantitative data using statistical software to measure literacy outcomes, participation rates, and socio-economic improvements.
  • Conducted thematic analysis of qualitative data to understand community perspectives, institutional challenges, and policy implications.
  • Conducted a SWOT analysis to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to the project, which helped in understanding the operational challenges and areas for improvement.
  • Examined the procurement processes in accordance with the Public Procurement Act 2006 and Public Procurement Rules 2008 to ensure transparency and efficiency in the procurement of goods, works, and services.
  • Analyzed the quality and impact of training and other capacity-building activities provided under the project, assessing their alignment with the approved plans and their effectiveness in enhancing participants’ literacy skills.
  • Triangulated findings to validate data and ensure comprehensive insights.

Stakeholder Engagement and Validation:

  • Organized local and national validation workshops with BNFE, IMED, and other stakeholders to present preliminary findings and gather feedback.
  • Incorporated stakeholder recommendations into the final report to enhance accuracy and relevance.

Reporting and Recommendations:

  • Delivered a detailed monitoring report, including: i) Assessment of physical and financial progress against the Development Project Proposal (DPP) targets, ii) Identification of implementation challenges, such as delays in fund disbursement and procurement inefficiencies, and iii) Recommendations for improving project management, ensuring sustainability, and scaling successful interventions.
  • Suggested strategies for enhancing community participation, integrating vocational training, and leveraging partnerships for literacy programs.

Key Deliverables:

  • Comprehensive monitoring report with actionable recommendations for achieving project objectives.
  • Digital data sets, including household survey results and qualitative transcripts.
  • Workshop proceedings and stakeholder feedback documentation.
  • Soft and hard copy of final report in Bangla and English

This monitoring assignment provided critical insights into the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities of the Basic Literacy Project, contributing to evidence-based decision-making for future non-formal education initiatives in Bangladesh.

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