Assignment Name: Mid-Term Evaluation of the Efficient and Accountable Local Governance (EALG) Project
Country: Bangladesh
Client Name: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
The Efficient and Accountable Local Governance (EALG) Project, implemented by the Local Government Division (LGD) under the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives (LGRD&C), was supported by UNDP, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Australian DFAT and DANIDA . Running from 2017 to 2022, the EALG project aimed to enhance the capacity of Upazila Parishads (UZPs) and Union Parishads (UPs) while fostering participatory and inclusive local governance and service delivery.
The project focused on three core components:
- Strengthening Upazila Parishads (SUZP): Enhancing governance frameworks, financial management, and inclusivity at the UZP level to ensure effective service delivery.
- Strengthening Union Parishads (SUP): Building the capacity of UPs to deliver pro-poor services, strengthen participatory planning processes, and promote climate resilience.
- Policy for Effective Local Governance (PELG): Providing policy support to institutionalize effective governance at all tiers of local government.
The mid-term evaluation of EALG project aimed to review the project’s performance against its results framework, assess beneficiaries’ satisfaction, and analyze achievements and gaps. It was conducted to assess the progress, relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of the project in strengthening local governance in Bangladesh. It sought to identify strengths and weaknesses in the project’s design and implementation and offer recommendations for future phases. The evaluation also measured the project’s alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goals 1 (No Poverty), 5 (Gender Equality), 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), and 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions).
The specific objective of the evaluation included:
- To assess the performance of EALG since its commencement in 2018 to date against the outcome and outputs indicators as set out in the Results Framework;
- To examine the assumptions embedded in the Theory of Change of EALG and assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and likely impact of the projects drawn from its design and implementation;
- To assess the level of satisfaction of beneficiaries and stakeholders with the program’s results so far;
- To assess the extent to which the application of the rights-based approach and gender-mainstreaming are sought;
- To draw the positive and negative, and foreseen and unforeseen, changes and effects driven by project-supported interventions; and
- To draw lessons learned and good practices for replication and up-scaling and provide forward-looking recommendations for the next programming phase;
The study covered 41 Upazila Parishads, 74 Union Parishads, and 222 Wards, and 3850 households in 17 treatment and control districts across Bangladesh. Key areas assessed included participatory planning and budgeting, institutional accountability, the role of Women Development Forums (WDF), climate-resilient planning, and citizen engagement through tools such as open budget sessions and Ward Shavas. The evaluation also incorporated gender and human rights-based approaches to measure inclusivity and sustainability of outcomes.
The following services were provided by the evaluation team during the mid-term evaluation of the EALG project:
Evaluation Design and Planning:
- Developed a comprehensive evaluation framework aligned with the OECD-DAC criteria (Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact, and Sustainability).
- Designed a mixed-method approach combining quantitative and qualitative tools, including structured surveys, key informant interviews (KIIs), focus group discussions (FGDs), and case studies.
- Identified indicators based on the project’s Theory of Change and results framework to measure progress and performance.
Quantitative and Qualitative Data Collection:
- Conducted 3850 household and citizen perception surveys across 74 Unions in 41 Upazilas of 17 districts, ensuring comprehensive geographic coverage.
- Completed quantitative institutional surveys with 40 Upazila Parishads (UZPs) and 74 Union Parishads (UPs) to evaluate institutional capacity, participatory governance, and service delivery improvements.
- Organized 62 FGDs with community members, local government representatives, and marginalized groups to capture perceptions of inclusivity and participatory planning.
- Conducted 84 KIIs with key stakeholders, including UZP and UP officials, Women Development Forum (WDF) members, transferred department representatives, and LGD officials.
- Prepared 8 detailed case studies showcasing successful governance practices, gender inclusion, and improvements in service delivery.
Data Analysis and Synthesis:
- Applied Structured Contribution Analysis (SCA), Difference-in-Difference (DiD) analysis, and gender-segregated analysis to evaluate project outcomes quantitatively.
- Triangulated quantitative and qualitative findings to ensure a holistic understanding of project performance.
- Assessed alignment with SDGs, gender equality, and rights-based approaches.
Reporting and Dissemination:
- Prepared a comprehensive mid-term evaluation report highlighting key findings, achievements, gaps, and lessons learned.
- Provided evidence-based recommendations for enhancing project implementation, efficiency, and sustainability in the remaining project period.
- Conducted a validation workshop with stakeholders to review findings and ensure transparency and inclusivity in reporting.
Specific Highlights of Findings:
- Evaluated improvements in participatory planning and budgeting at UZP and UP levels, including the role of Ward Shavas, open budget meetings, and standing committees.
- Assessed the performance of Women Development Forums (WDFs), identifying significant progress in women’s leadership and decision-making.
- Measured citizen satisfaction with local government services, highlighting key achievements in transparency, accountability, and climate resilience planning.
Through these services, the evaluation team provided a robust assessment of the EALG project’s progress, offering actionable insights to strengthen local governance systems in Bangladesh and ensure inclusive, transparent, and accountable service delivery.