Project Title: Mid-Term Evaluation of Efficient and Accountable Local Governance (EALG) Project
Client: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
The overall objective of this mid-term evaluation was to assess the progress of the EALG project so far compared to its baseline and targets set up in the results framework. It studied on i) the assumptions embedded in the Theory of Change of EALG, ii) the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and likely impact of the projects, iii) the level of satisfaction of beneficiaries and stakeholders, iv) the extent to which the application of the rights-based approach and gender-mainstreaming are sought, v) draw the positive and negative, and foreseen and unforeseen changes and effects, vi) draw lessons learned to up-scaling, and vii) forward-looking recommendations for the next programming phase. The study adopted a mixed-method approach, combining both qualitative and quantitative methods following the OECD-DAC criteria. The quantitative survey included the “household and citizen perception” survey and institutional survey at UP and UZP levels. The study collected information from 3850 households, and gather citizen perception from 222 wards; under 74 Unions, 41 Upazilas and 17 districts covering all the 8 divisions of the country. Institutional surveys were conducted for 40 Upazila Parishads and 74 Union Parishads. The qualitative method included 62 focus group discussions, 84 key informant interviews and 8 case studies. The study found a lot of rooms to improve e.g., collaboration with the CBOs and CSOs for the community people, LGIs to conduct many social works, considering UP as the core intervention area rather than UZP, capacity building through extending the duration of the training, internal resource mobilization through a collection of tax, coordination between Government officials and public representatives, emphasis on increasing citizens’ awareness about UP activities, live-streaming the public engagement programs, revision of the resulting framework and so on.
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