Assignment Name: Mid-Term Evaluation of German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) Global Funding Project “Humanitarian Assistance Through Provision of Basic WaSH Support and Disaster Preparedness for People from Rakhine”
Country: Bangladesh
Client Name: German Red Cross (GRC) and International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC)
The “Humanitarian Assistance Through Provision of Basic WASH Support and Disaster Preparedness for People from Rakhine” project was a part of the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) Global Funding Project, with German Red Cross (GRC) providing support to Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) activities for Rohingya refugees from Rakhine State, Myanmar, living in Cox’s Bazar. The project started in January 2020 and was extended until December 2022.
The main objective of the project is to enhance the living conditions of Rohingya refugees through the provision of safe water, sanitation, hygiene facilities, and disaster preparedness. The project focuses on Camp 13 (Block G) and Camp 18 (Block E), supporting the refugee population with a range of WASH interventions. These interventions include the provision of safe water for drinking and cooking, the construction and rehabilitation of latrines, provision of handwashing facilities, and promoting hygiene practices.
The project’s core outcomes include:
- Improved access to WASH infrastructure (water points, latrines, drainage systems).
- Enhanced hygiene knowledge among target populations.
- Disaster preparedness and small-scale mitigation activities.
The mid-term evaluation of the project was commissioned to assess the progress made, evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the interventions, and identify any adjustments needed for future operations. The evaluation also examined how the project adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on WASH operations in refugee camps.
This study adopted IFRC evaluation framework to evaluate GRC’s project. The framework is designed to promote reliable, useful, ethical evaluations that contribute to organizational learning, accountability, and GRC’s mission to best serve those in need.
The key objectives of the mid-term evaluation included:
- Ascertain results (output, outcome, impact) and assess the effectiveness, efficiency and relevance of the intervention: To assess the capacity of GRC and BDRCS programme framework, structure, systems and procedures to deliver timely and essential assistance to the affected population as the context evolves with particular attention to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Contribute to improving the project (policy, procedure, technique, etc.): To review the application and timeliness of programme strategy, coordination and decision-making and recommend how this can be strengthened.
- Accountability to stakeholders and donors: To review community engagement and accountability mechanisms employed and provide recommendations for deliverable actions that can be implemented immediately to enhance Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) and protection, gender and inclusion, and address the relevant challenges in the response that are grounded in the response’s context
DM WATCH team provided the following services during the mid-term evaluation of the Humanitarian Assistance Through Provision of Basic WASH Support and Disaster Preparedness project:
Planning and Consultation:
- Conducted planning meetings with German Red Cross (GRC) and Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) to finalize the scope and methodology for the mid-term evaluation. These meetings helped align the evaluation with project objectives and the OECD-DAC criteria for effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability.
- Reviewed project documents including the project proposal, monitoring reports, and logframe to ensure understanding of baseline data, outputs, and performance indicators.
Data Collection and Fieldwork:
- Designed data collection tools such as quantitative surveys, focus group discussion (FGD) guides, and key informant interview (KII) templates to collect data across target areas in Cox’s Bazar, particularly in Camp 13 and Camp 18.
- Carried out 240 household surveys in Cox’s Bazar refugee camps, with representative samples from refugee households, including women, children, and other vulnerable groups.
- Facilitated 10 FGDs and 15 KIIs with key stakeholders, including refugees, camp management, WASH staff, and community leaders, to gain in-depth insights into WASH conditions, hygiene practices, and disaster preparedness.
- Observed 60 WASH facilities (latrines, water points, handwashing stations) in Camp 13 and Camp 18 to assess their condition, functionality, and maintenance needs.
Data Management and Analysis:
- Collected quantitative data using KoboToolbox and processed the data for statistical analysis. Analyzed key indicators such as access to clean water, latrine usage, and hygiene practices.
- Analyzed qualitative data from FGDs and KIIs, identifying key themes related to community needs, COVID-19 impacts, and disaster preparedness.
- Used SPSS and Excel for data analysis, focusing on trends in hygiene knowledge, sanitation conditions, and disaster risk awareness within the refugee population.
Assessment of WASH Infrastructure and Services:
- Evaluated the functionality and accessibility of WASH services in the camps.
- Evaluated the availability of safe drinking water through water points, and the functionality of handwashing stations and latrines.
- Assessed the condition of sanitation facilities and gaps in service provision, especially in high-density areas.
- Assessed hygiene knowledge and practices among camp residents and the effectiveness of hygiene promotion activities implemented by the project.
- Assessed disaster preparedness by reviewing the preparedness plans in place, the readiness of the community for future disasters, and the capacity of local actors to manage emergency situations.
Reporting and Recommendations:
- Produced a comprehensive mid-term evaluation report, detailing the project’s progress towards its goals, with a focus on WASH service delivery, disaster preparedness, and the impact on refugees.
- The report included recommendations for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the project, such as enhancing the maintenance of WASH facilities, addressing service gaps, and strengthening community-based disaster preparedness.
- The report included actionable recommendations for future phases of the project, particularly for addressing COVID-19 hygiene needs and improving water access and sanitation coverage.
Dissemination and Stakeholder Engagement:
- Organized a dissemination workshop where the evaluation findings were shared with GRC, BDRCS, and other stakeholders in Cox’s Bazar. The workshop focused on key findings, challenges faced during implementation, and adjustments to improve the project’s impact moving forward.
- Presented findings on WASH infrastructure, hygiene promotion, and disaster preparedness, with discussions on how to better integrate community participation in disaster risk reduction and sanitation services.
Through these services, the mid-term evaluation provided valuable insights into the impact and effectiveness of the WASH interventions, while also highlighting areas for improvement to ensure the long-term sustainability and scalability of the project’s activities in the refugee camps. The evaluation was crucial in informing future project adjustments and supporting policy advocacy for improved humanitarian WASH services in Bangladesh.