Assignment Name: Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment on Climate Change and Disaster Impact in Southern Areas of Bangladesh

Country: Bangladesh

Client Name: International Rescue Committee (IRC)

The assessment, funded by German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO), sought to explore the multifaceted impacts of climate change and disasters on the most vulnerable communities across Bhola, Patuakhali, Barguna, and Satkhira districts. These regions are among the most climate-affected in Bangladesh, experiencing challenges such as salinity intrusion, tidal flooding, and extreme weather events.

This study employed a Gender Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (GEDI) framework, emphasizing an intersectional approach to assess the differential impacts of climate change on health, child protection, education, gender-based violence, livelihood, and displacement. It focused on identifying structural barriers, protection risks, and the effectiveness of existing policies in addressing climate-induced vulnerabilities. The findings were intended to guide the IRC’s programming for climate resilience and informed recommendations for integrating GEDI principles into disaster risk reduction and development initiatives.

Through a mixed-methods approach, the study covered household surveys, focus group discussions (FGDs), and key informant interviews (KIIs). Quantitative and qualitative data collected provided insights into community vulnerabilities, coping mechanisms, and the roles of stakeholders in building resilience.

Specific objectives of the assessment included:

  1. To conduct an analysis of the current situation and the impact of climate change and disasters on the population, using an intersectional approach with a special focus on GEDI lenses.
  2. To measure how climate change and disasters are limiting access to services (health, education, livelihood, and protection).
  3. To identify specific protection risks and disaster-related risks faced by individuals/groups due to climate change and disasters.
  4. To provide an assessment of the status of women and girls in terms of access to and control over family and personal financial resources and productive assets in climate-affected areas.
  5. To identify displacement locations and pathways taken by climate-displaced populations.
  6. To map out the livelihood needs of displaced populations and draft recommendations for livelihood programming relevant to the needs of displaced populations, particularly women and marginalized groups.
  7. To identify how women and men are coping with climate change. What are the individual, community, and systemic capacities to absorb, mitigate, and adapt to the effects of climate change? What strategies are people employing?
  8. To map out various climate-relevant responses, from prevention to resilience-building. Identify the stakeholders involved in these responses and the national climate-response plans governing their work, if available.
  9. To make recommendations on key gaps that the IRC could address to advance gender-sensitive and gender-transformative climate resilience and climate integration across IRC’s priority sectors.
  10. To identify structural barriers for the most marginalized, especially girls and young women, in accessing services and enabling environments from duty bearers.
  11. To provide an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities of the current system, along with recommendations on how the IRC can help strengthen systems to support and protect vulnerable populations.
  12. To recommend tools and approaches (especially around engagement and centering the voices of the marginalized in programs) that can be used in ongoing programming.

DM WATCH LIMITED provided end-to-end support for this comprehensive needs assessment, including planning, data collection, analysis, and reporting. The services delivered included:

Inception and Planning:

  • Conducted initial meetings with IRC to define the scope, objectives, and expectations of the study.
  • Reviewed existing literature and secondary data to align the study design with GEDI principles.
  • Developed an inception report detailing the methodology, work plan, and data collection tools.

Tool Development and Validation:

  • Designed and tested quantitative and qualitative data collection tools, including survey questionnaires, FGDs, and KII guidelines.
  • Conducted a pilot test of the tools and refined them based on stakeholder feedback.
  • Organized a validation workshop to finalize the study design and instruments.

Field Data Collection:

  • Recruited, trained, and deployed a team of enumerators to collect data across diverse, climate-vulnerable geographies.
  • Collected quantitative data through 610 household surveys using Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) tools.
  • Conducted 78 KIIs and seven FGDs with stakeholders, community leaders, and affected populations to gather qualitative insights.

Data Analysis:

  • Processed and cleaned data using statistical software such as SPSS and NVivo.
  • Performed quantitative analysis, including descriptive statistics, to identify trends and patterns.
  • Conducted qualitative thematic analysis, gender impact assessments, and stakeholder mapping to explore nuanced findings.

Reporting and Dissemination:

  • Prepared a draft report summarizing key findings, including climate change impacts on health, education, child protection, and livelihoods.
  • Shared the draft report with the IRC for feedback and incorporated revisions.
  • Organized a validation workshop to refine findings based on stakeholder inputs.
  • Delivered a final report, clean datasets, and presentation materials in multiple formats for diverse audiences.

Key Deliverables:

  • Comprehensive inception report with finalized methodologies and tools.
  • Clean datasets in SPSS format, with complete coding files for future reference.
  • Final report (including both MS Word and Adobe inDesign formats) highlighting study outcomes and strategic recommendations for addressing climate resilience.
  • Materials for dissemination workshops, including infographics and slide decks.

This assignment demonstrated DM WATCH LIMITED’s expertise in climate resilience studies, intersectional analysis, and evidence-based policy recommendations, contributing valuable insights to IRC’s programming and advocacy efforts.

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