Project Title: “Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas” Project Package 05 – Ramu Upazila and Rangunia Upazila
Client: UDD, GoB
This study was conducted from 2014 to 2016 in Cox’s Bazar and Chittagong to find out development issues and potentials of the Upazila and make a 20 years development vision for the Upazila (both urban and rural areas) and prepare a Master Plan in line with the vision for the development. The study covered surveys of physical features and preparation of Land use Plan, Traffic and Transportation Management Plan, Drainage and Environmental Plan, and Ward Action Plans for the project area. Different types of surveys, studies and activities such as Bench Mark Pillar Establishment, Satellite Image Processing, Existing Land Use, Physical Feature and Topographic Survey, Socio- Economic Survey, Study of Urban and Rural Economy, and Social Infrastructure, Traffic Survey, Hydrological Study Formal and Informal Industrial Survey, Archaeological Study, Pollution Study, etc. were undertaken to conduct this study. A total of 2200 households were surveyed in Ramu and Rangunia Upazila. The outcome of the assignment encompasses for preparation of five tiers Development Plan for Ramu and Rangunia Upazilas, which includes Sub Regional Plan, Structure Plan, Urban Area Plan, Rural Area Plan, and Action Area Plan.
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