Project Title: Sanitation facilities assessment, exemplary design with Bill of quantities (BOQ) and manual development for selected three sanitation model schools in Jashore.
Client: SNV Netherlands Development Organization
This study was conducted from February to March, 2019 with a view to engaging education authorities, school management committees, students and parents regarding urban sanitation activities and to aware them about hygiene practices. Relevant research tools and methods were employed to extract data in line with the study objectives. Non-probability sampling techniques (i.e. purposive sampling) was employed for collection of qualitative data. For the purpose of the study, various data collection methods, such as – KII, IDI, FGD and validation workshops have been conducted in the study areas. One of the key findings of the study was that schools did not have any separate allocation of budget for sanitation. The study also found that despite having sufficient budget for sanitation utensils, the sanitation situation of the schools were unsatisfactory due to the lack of monitoring and responsibility sharing. The research participants reported that the construction of toilets was inappropriate, and all of them lacked maintenance. The respondents also added that the toilet construction did not include hygienic MHM, HW facilities, as well as lacked disability facilities, safety measures, ventilation and lighting etc.
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