Project Information

Project Title: Study on Local Economic Potential and Future Scenarios for the Municipalities of Jashore and Shibganj

Client: Swiss contact

Project Description:

The study on “Local Economic Potential and Future Scenarios for the Municipalities of Jashore and Shibganj” was a comprehensive assessment commissioned by Swisscontact Bangladesh under the Prabriddhi program. The project aimed to identify emerging and existing economic subsectors with potential for growth and competitiveness at the local and global levels, with a particular focus on gender inclusiveness and social inclusion. The study focused on two municipalities, Jashore and Shibganj, to evaluate the competitive edge of these regions in light of national and global market demands.

Specific objectives of the study included:

  • To identify the sub-sectors/economic areas in which the municipalities show a potential competitive edge in national and global markets, which takes into account gender inclusiveness;
  • To identify the main potentials, threats and current issues hampering national and global competitiveness of the identified areas; and
  • To look for stakeholders’ recommendations on how to improve the performance of the pre-selected sectors.
  • To assess the presence and role of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) within these sectors, examining local skills availability, employment potential, raw material needs, and inter-firm collaboration opportunities.

Through a combination of primary and secondary data, the study analyzed critical economic sectors such as light engineering, handicrafts, ICT, mango production, and automobile industries. By applying advanced analytical frameworks, including the Multi-Sector Analysis (MSA) tool and Porter’s Diamond Model, the research explored the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) associated with each sector. It also examined potential linkages and synergies within and across sectors to foster sustainable local economic development. The project further aimed to provide strategic recommendations for enhancing the economic performance of these subsectors, emphasizing the inclusion of women and marginalized groups in economic activities.

This extensive research was designed to provide actionable insights to local government and business leaders to strategically direct economic development initiatives.

Key Highlights of the Assignment

The project team at DM WATCH executed a comprehensive research plan, employing a mixed-methods approach to assess the local economic potential and competitiveness of selected sectors in Jashore and Shibganj. Key activities included:

  • Project Inception and Stakeholder Engagement:
    • Conducted inception meetings with Swisscontact and other stakeholders to define the study scope, objectives, and methodology.
    • Developed a detailed work plan and study tools in alignment with the project’s objectives.
    • Conducted stakeholder mapping and consulted with business owners, government officials, and community representatives.
  • Data Collection and Analysis:
    • Collected quantitative data through structured surveys with business agents and qualitative data through interviews with local government officials, business association leaders, and community members.
    • Analyzed the economic competitiveness of selected sectors using Multi-Sector Analysis (MSA) and Porter’s Diamond Model. This included analysis of factor conditions, demand conditions, firm strategy, related supporting industries, government roles, and chance events that influence the local economy.
    • Conducted SWOT analyses to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for each sector.
    • Introduced a ‘past-present-future’ analysis to evaluate how key economic drivers have changed over time and to forecast future developments. This was used to provide dynamic insights into potential economic trajectories for the municipalities.
  • Sectoral Assessments:
    • Assessed key drivers such as cost of doing business, local economic strength, trade orientation, human resources, infrastructure, and governance.
    • Identified critical success factors (CSFs) for each sector, focusing on challenges and opportunities.
  • Reporting and Dissemination:
    • Prepared a draft report summarizing the findings, including recommendations for strategic interventions to enhance the economic potential of the selected sectors.
    • Conducted validation workshops with stakeholders to gather feedback on findings.
    • Finalized and submitted a comprehensive report, supported by data visualizations, to Swisscontact.
  • Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing:
    • Facilitated training and discussions to build local capacity for economic planning and policy development.
    • Shared insights on gender inclusiveness and social inclusion to inform future programs and policies.

This study underscored the potential of local economic development as a strategic approach to fostering inclusive growth, addressing inter-regional income disparities, and promoting gender equality in economic participation. The project provided actionable insights to Swisscontact for advancing sustainable development initiatives in Jashore and Shibganj municipalities.

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