Assignment Name: Study on Skill Requirements for Youth Development Targeting 2041
Country: Bangladesh
Client Name: National Institute of Youth Development
The study, titled “Study on Skill Requirement for Youth Development Targeting-2041,” conducted by DM WATCH LIMITED in collaboration with the National Institute of Youth Development, aimed to identify the essential skills youth will need to meet the evolving employment landscape by 2041 in Bangladesh. This forward-looking research sought to create a comprehensive roadmap for youth development in the realm of employability skills.
Employing a multi-pronged approach, the study first assessed the present skillset of the youth in relation to current employment requirements. It then identified the requisite skills they would need to be employable by 2041. Special focus was given to skill development through targeted training and education. The study was comprehensive, targeting youth across various regions of Bangladesh, to ensure a broad-spectrum analysis. Information was gleaned through a combination of surveys, focus groups, and interviews with industry experts. Statistical and thematic analyses were carried out to establish correlations between existing skills, future needs, and the educational fields that can facilitate such skill development.
This study outlined the present condition of youth in terms of employability skills and identified skill gaps. It also highlighted future skill requirements, including digital literacy, soft skills, and specialized vocational skills necessary for youth employment by 2041. The study finally recommended targeted educational and training programs, focusing on the necessary skill sets, to ensure youth are adequately prepared for the future job market.
The study offered actionable insights for policymakers, educators, and employers, emphasizing the need for a cohesive, long-term strategy for youth skill development, which is aligned with the future needs of the job market. This comprehensive study serves as a cornerstone for the development of national policies aimed at equipping the youth of Bangladesh with the skills, they will need to navigate the employment challenges of the future, thereby enriching the country’s human capital by 2041.
DM WATCH LIMITED designed the total study plan, selected participants in consultation with project officials and conduct the training and other activities following the supplied ToR. DM WATCH controlled the project administration, collected data digitally, processing the data, made presentation and submission of the draft and final report. DM WATCH LIMITED conducted the following key activities during the assignment:
Inception Phase:
Development and Finalization of Tools:
Data Collection and Analysis:
Key Research Areas:
Stakeholder Engagement:
Capacity Building:
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