Today, the environment is constantly getting degraded by numerous issues such as climate change, global warming, pollution (such as air, water, noise, land, and marine), desertification, loss of biological diversity, excessive harvesting of natural resources and illegal trade practice. Climate change, one of the most pressing emergencies in contemporary times, poses serious threat to nature and people. Moreover, natural and human-induced hazards give rise to disasters of different sorts, which cause catastrophic losses in terms of life, properties and economy. In recognition of the urgent need to reduce the risks caused by broader environmental issues, DM WATCH LIMITED has been playing its role by conducting evidence-based researches, building partnership and providing policy recommendation under the practice area “Environment, Climate Change, Hazard and Disaster”.

In recognition of the urgent need to reduce the risks caused by broader environmental issues, DM WATCH has been playing its role by conducting evidence-based researches, building partnership and providing policy recommendation under the practice area “Environment, Climate Change, Hazard and Disaster”.Less

Associated Services of This Practice Area

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)
Waste management (solid, e-waste, plastic, commercial, and biomedical)
Waste-to-energy solutions
Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA)
Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA)
Environmental (air, water, soil) contamination, pollution & remediation
Airborne mapping, and environmental monitoring
Climate change adaptation/ mitigation assessment
Climate justice
Climate finance and insurance
Alternative and renewable energy
Climate change monitoring
Multi-sectoral need assessment
Climate-smart infrastructure planning and designing
Climate-smart technology
Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA)
Carbon scenario planning
Carbon footprint analysis
Disaster risk and vulnerability assessment and management
Contingency planning
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
Hazard, exposure, and vulnerability mapping
Loss and damage assessment
Relief distribution, assessment, and management
Health risk and disaster psychology assessment
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