Publication | Feb 28, 2020

The Fourth Primary Education Development Program

The purpose of this study was to validate whether remaining out-of-School Children enrolled in Learning Centers under the Third Primary Education Development Program(PEDP4).  In addition, the study verified to what extent the innovative approaches ensured a positive learning environment, teaching-learning process, timely provision of inputs as well as effective management of the implementation process leading to the expected learning outcomes. A mixed-method was employed in the study. Both qualitative and quantitative tools and techniques were developed and administered. For the quantitative aspect of the verification of the actual participation of children in the Non-Formal Primary Education (NFPE) program, the study selected 96 learning centres (LCs) from a total of 3332 learning centres (LCs). 672 students from the original list of Bureau of Non-Formal Education (BNFE) were surveyed to verify the original list of Bureau of Non-Formal Education (BNFE) and 2883 students were surveyed to get a sense of the status of the project. The qualitative aspect of the study covered both institutional and pedagogical aspects of the implementation process. 118 KII, 14 FGD, 14 case studies and 96 observations from 96 learning centres were conducted to triangulate the findings for validation. All the relevant stakeholders who had a role in the implementation of the various innovative models of Non-Formal Primary Education (NFPE) right from the BNFE central to teachers, as well as parents and communities, were inquired by using the stated methods. The study reviewed and verified the issues such as unclear statement of Disbursement Link Indicator (DLI) protocol, the challenging target of achievement, the unforeseen event of transition in management, lack of tracking system, the trend of low rate of completion among out-of-school children due to socio-economic constraints and challenges faced during the project implementation process. The study report was prepared according to the prescribed or standard verification format emphasizing all the essential elements and submitted evidence. The study found from the verification was that the transition from Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) to Bureau of Non-Formal Education (BNFE) could be better managed. The transition could have been made smoother by letting the original NGOs who were implementing the project under the Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) continue their work under the Bureau of Non-Formal Education (BNFE). Better paid, more experienced and more qualified teachers were needed to improve the quality of the teaching-learning process and consequent learning outcomes. The study suggested that the provision be made for out-of-school children at least one meal with balanced food. It also recommended that an IT-enabled long-term tracking system be developed and put into operations. A separate training and implementation department for out of school children within the Bureau of Non-Formal Education (BNFE) be set up, equipped with the necessary institutional as well as human resources. This process could be further accelerated by making necessary investments in BNFE’s capacity building and through adequate resourcing of the project.

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